Thursday, July 22, 2010

You Know You Have a Three Year Old

. . . when, in his presence, you are telling your spouse about a blog post you read and the author's great response and somebody else in the story's not so great (though typical Polish*) response to a scary situation. The child does not understand much of what you have been saying. You finish the conversation with, "It's kinda too bad."

Said child pipes in, "It's kinda too bad? Why?"

That's a three year old.

But you can be grateful if this same child usually follows up his "Why?"s with "Because?" and is satisfied when you respond, "Yes. Because."
*Though it happened in the U.S.


Stephanie said...


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh I love when they're satisfied with "because". Good boy! And please, may it last as long as possible...

Karen Mello Burton said...

"Because" is a great word with little ones. :)

Lesley said...

One of the little guys I work with is going through the "why" stage. Gotta love it (otherwise it will drive you crazy!)

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Oh man, the because answer would save a lotta grief in this house! If only!

Susan said...

Cute. I don't think I got the full "because." answer down with my kids.