Sunday, July 18, 2010


"I very like it when you happy," Aaron says, after we play goofy for a few minutes.

Hello, Guilt! What are you doing here? Please go away.

It's not like he said, "Wow, mom, you sure aren't happy very often. What a treat!"
Even if that's what you heard.

After some reflection I remember what an excellent big brother Aaron is becoming. After a family prayer through which Spencer squealed and gurgled Aaron went straight to him, took him by the hand and said, "No-no, Spencer. You have to be quiet in prayer because Jesus say you have to be quiet." Then a few nights later after a quieter prayer Aaron came to Spencer again, took him by the hand again and said, "Thank you Spencer being quiet! Jesus is happy because you quiet in the prayer!"

And tonight he congratulated me for doing such a good job eating my salad. Go me!

I have successfully convinced myself that it's his positive reinforcement thing. He just notices good behavior and rewards it with praise. He's not being sarcastic and pointing out what a break these things are from the norm. He's not me.

Still, I'm going to work harder at being happy more often. And at being quiet during prayers. And eating all my salad. And at being more positive, like Aaron.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Emma said during her prayer the other night, "And please help Mommy not to be angry so much." She does the positive reinforcement thing to (love it!) but she also tattles on me! Ouch!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Kids. Little mirrors on us.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

I think we've all had something like that said to us (did you see on my blog where Brody drew a picture of me for Valentines--with a mad face?) It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Melissa said...

This is so sweet. And those pictures of your boy below are just precious.

Melanie Jacobson said...

What a fantastic little boy and big brother.

Heather said...

love it!

Erin said...

I love how you say, "He's not me." So, so true. Yikes. (When I say that, I'm talking about me. Not you.)

What a cutie Aaron is.

Lesley said...

He's just too cute. What an adorable loving kid you have!

Susan said...

I'm finally getting down to the posts I've already read, but it looks like I never commented. I guess I was just reading from my google reader...

I love this post. For the stories and for your comments about them.