Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to Keep from Melting

Pardon my language, but it is freaking hot. Instead of complaining (Too late. Make that after complaining. Or while complaining.) I'm looking to my boys for tips on how to beat the heat.
Hmmmm. . .

ice cream,


and sitting mostly naked looking out the front door with the cool(er) early morning air coming in while eating toast.

They all work well.

And yes, that is a three year old sitting next to a not yet seven month old (who sits, making my life many times easier). Big boy.


Liz said...

I think we are ALL complaining - this heat is killing me.

I LOVE the picture of the boys looking out the window. Such a good one.

MelancholySmile said...

Ohmygosh, your kids are so cute! Love that little hat and tie.

Do you have air conditioning in Poland? J is in New York right now, and he says that most places he's been DON'T have AC. The humidity is killing him.

I guess I shouldn't complain about our 'dry heat' anymore. Especially when I'm in my little air-conditioned cave of a house for most hours of the day!

Carolyn V. said...

You have such cute kids! It is very hot here, my five-year-old has decided he doesn't need clothes anymore either. At lease he is cooler than the rest of us. =)

Erin said...

Are YOU sitting mostly naked looking out the front door with them?

It is supposed to get up to 100 degrees here today. It's too hot to go outside. Sigh.

Barbaloot said...

Oh-if only we could all get away with sitting nearly naked by the front door. Just that thought right now sounds amazing.

Karen Mello Burton said...

You have some good-looking kids there, sister!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Cold, wet socks do wonders too. =D Sweet pictures!

Alison Wonderland said...

Look at how beautiful your boys are!

Heather said...

so cute!

Ben said...

Wow, those are great pictures. C'mon, they have to be retouched!! I love the one sitting next to each other.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Sweet pics. Also, why AREN'T we allowed to sit naked like that? Not fair. That's why I always say I'd rather have too much cold than too much heat--you can always add another layer of warmth, but there's only so much you can remove...

Susan said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Thanks so much for the pictures. (and yes that is a big boy! I guess rushing out to see him before he grows up is already not an option!!)