Friday, May 11, 2012


Like most normal beings of the human persuasion, I enjoy Spring.  I love the warm-but-not-hot weather, with plenty of rain and gloom mixed in with the sunshine (okay, maybe loving the gloom part is just me).  I delight in the color and shape of flowers.  Trees, one of my favorite things on this earth, have been known to make me cry (even when I wasn't pregnant!).

In the photo above you see one of my favorite Sights of Spring.  I love the old and the new.  What was and what will be.  The colors are beautiful together and I love how clearly you can see the growth of the tree.

Lately I've been feeling quite a lot like that.  Like I had a lot of the dark green.  Parts of me that had been.  Old parts.  And now there is a burst of the Spring green all over.  I can feel myself stretching out, growing and changing shape, while all of the old me remains as a base.

I'm not talking about weight gain.  Not in this post anyway.  Ha.  But I have been learning about food and health and new ways of living.  I've listened to people who have different opinions and beliefs about religion and politics.  It has changed me.  It has started new growth.

I view the world differently now.  I hold dearly to much of what has been.  The good things.  The things that were right.  But I can see them from a different angle, too.  I can understand another view.  It is fascinating and extremely thought provoking.

Life is just so awesome and interesting.  So much to be had and so many ways to grow.  So many shades of green.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Isn't it great when we have our own personal Spring? I have felt similarly during the past couple of years. It is invigorating!

Liz said...

Ania has one of those trees right out her window. It is amazing how large it has gotten over the last almost three years. So glad that spring in bringing such change. Would love to hear about it more.

Christian Tiger said...

What a lovely and heartfelt blog you have! I enjoy the comparison between your growth and movement of greens from dull to spring. Its very poetic.

Erin said...

Our bushes out front look like this right now. Thanks to you I will be thinking profound thoughts whenever I look at them.

Erin said...

Change is very interesting, isn't it? I would say my view on certain things has done a complete 180 in the last year or so. I had no idea I could change so much in my crusty old age. However (unfortunately), I am afraid to write or say too much about it because I am not quite to the point yet where I will allow myself to not be affected by what people might say in response to my thoughts and feelings. Does that make sense? So I keep it close to myself, only sharing with those I absolutely trust, and I hope to one day branch out because that means by then I will have actually grown a backbone.

Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! And I love the entire message of this post. I hope that I'm growing new things and not letting all of my needles dry out and die. Neither do I wish to be just "green" but I would love to look like that tree. :)

Lara Neves said...

This is so important, and something I think is hard to understand sometimes. But I like how you say you can keep the good things, even while you grow new and better thoughts and strengths.

Carolyn V said...

Beautifully said, Lisa. New growth is wonderful. My view on things has changed too. There's a lot to learn. =)

TheOneTrueSue said...

I love this post. I can definitely relate - to your post and to Erin's comment.

Susan said...

Isn't it just like exercising? You feel so great about it while you're doing it, you think you'll always stretch yourself like that. Then Scramble calls, and your muscles (or your mind) starts to soften again!! :)

I can't wait to disagree about stuff in a few weeks!!