Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Whine and Hot Drinks

Organization is required, I'm finding, to do life well. Or even medium-well. This is really too bad for me. (I think I'm currently doing it closer to rare.)

After a fun but hot day out exploring castle ruins with our guests, all our sweaty bodies flooded into the shelter of our home. My in-laws raced to the kitchen to put the kettle on for coffee and tea. What could be more refreshing, I ask you?

Tomorrow I'm sending my daughter across the ocean.

There are about 1,000 emails I want or need to write and almost as many blog posts that I want to read. At this point, though, I'm just hoping I make it through the week without having a stroke.

Life is exciting and I'm anxious to see where it takes me. Oh, I wish it was that easy; just sit back and watch life take you somewhere. Why do I have to be so heavily involved in it all? Can't I just sit down now and again, and watch myself go? SO TIRING.

Hopefully, once there's less going on and I'm not going so crazy and am able to keep my life a little better cooked, it will eventually steer me back to the computer. At least for a few minutes a day...


Thora said...

So, I try to never do this (use someone else's blog as a place to self promote), but....

After a hiatus of almost two years, there's another installment of the Saga of how Avram and I got married. I was rereading through the old ones, and you commented on almost everyone, and so in the plethora of blogs you need to read, and knowing that I never update my blog anymore, and so you would probably not think to check there, I'm telling you here, so you can go and read it. But no pressure, you don't have to (That was my attempt to make it look a little less like blog promotion).

Susan said...

Go, go, Super-Mom! I will say, the sweet tea they drink in the south does sound refreshing, fill a glass full of ice, then pour in the tea, iced tea, I guess. But I can't iMAGine drinking something hot in the summer!

Organization is indeed something done rare around here, and I agree, it is necessary. You're going to feel awesome though when Ewie starts calling you and telling you all about the ways we're different than you!!

I hope you get a chance for some r&r sometime soon this summer!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Yeah, sometimes I want to enjoy it at a distance. But it drags me back in anyway. So I just enjoy it that way instead.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Mmmmm, coffee and tea on a hot day!

I feel like I often can hear the whoosh as life speeds past.

I hope you can rest up soon. Take care!

Heidi said...

I've wondered a lot about the coffee and tea thing and I have been told that they, along with hot and spicy foods, prompt your body to cool itself down. Clever, eh? By the same theory, ice cream on a cold day should prompt your body to heat up. (I just knew ice cream was good for something!) Sounds like you are going through a transitional time as a mother and it's making you kind of tired. Take care of yourself-you're too sweet to suffer!


Not wine please!!!

Wendy said...

Very niice blog you have here