Monday, January 31, 2011

Life is not Fair AT ALL

Being one is hard.

Things that frustrate Spencer almost to tears (over and over):

* When he goes to the effort to bring two pairs of his shoes to me, back and forth, back and forth from the hall, and I only put one pair on him (at a time. He wants four shoes on his two feet, please.)

* When he gives us his sippy cup because he's thirsty and we take it and walk away with it. Sure, we may be walking toward the kitchen and saying things like, "You want a drink? Come on, I'll get you some water." but obviously we're actually just stealing the cup (which he just handed us) and not only NOT going to get him a drink but will probably never give the cup back at all. (hence the flopping on the floor and the accompanying wails of devastation)

* Wooden toys that will NOT stick to the heater (radiator), no matter how many times he puts them against it. Such stubborn, stubborn blocks. If the refrigerator magnets can do it, why can't they?

I hope he makes it through these trials okay, poor thing.
p.s. I'm in the running for most tacky/obnoxious blog background. Think I'll win? What? You're already gone and not coming back after being bombarded with hearts. Oh. Sorry. But Happy Valentines Day!


Barbaloot said...

Life is altogether too difficult.

Karen E. said...

Sounds like Spencer needs his own blog!

Alison Wonderland said...

One is hard.

Susan said...

Beth is chuckling with me at her cousin's frustrations. "That is just so funny." she said. Also, she likes your heart background (that makes one of us!)

Stephanie said...

Poor kid. I hope he survives all that trauma you put him through. :) Nice hearts, by the way.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

The background makes me eyeballs itch but I'll suffer it 'cause I love you.

And oh my, Claira is so much at the same stage. The very sight of a bottle or sippy cup that is not in her hand and she shrieks and wails like mad.

The joys. =)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Poor guy. Don't you wish your troubles were only that "hard"?

Lesley said...

Perfectly describes a one year old's mind! Too funny! (And yes, obnoxious.)

Carolyn V. said...

Ohhh! I love the tacky blogger background, perfect for February!

One is hard! Those blocks should take lessons from the refrigerator magnets and stick! (too cute!)

Heather said...

This really made me laugh, and think of the perspective that parents have when their kids are struggling. I'll try to keep the same perspective with my big kids.

Lara Neves said...

It is good to step back and try to understand why they get so frustrated! Makes it less frustrating for us. And maybe he could wear a pair of shoes on his hands, too? That's what Chloe used to like to do.

PS I love your hearts...they made me smile.

Anonymous said...

I always say that being little is hard. Growing is hard. And with how often I don't understand things, I think it's even harder on little kids.

Lindsay said...

Haha, this made me laugh because Reine is the SAME WAY! Haha, this is an awesome post. Love it. I may just have to link to it...

Annette Lyon said...

So funny--and yet so true. A good reminder that what's genuinely hard for one person might seem silly to another.

Heidi said...

Oh, that's hilarious! Poor little guy. I think that I act just like him sometimes, when it comes to things that I don't understand, too. "Heavenly Father, it's so hard! Why don't you just fill me in on what the heck is going on already??!?" or "This worked when I was 20 so why won't it work now that I am 46? Augghhhh!!!"