Sunday, October 3, 2010

O That I Were A Poet

I am amazed, overwhelmed and awestruck with this life and the things it is full of. Of course there are the tricky things, and I spend far too much time thinking of, stressing over and moping about those, but there is no question that all that is far outweighed by the beauty.

There are times every day that I wish I were artistic. I feel art (beauty? love?) When my breath is taken away by a view of the clouds, the changing colors of fall, the shape of a tree; when my heart is ready to burst at something incredibly sweet and darling my three year old says, or the way my baby nestles his little nose in my neck, or how the older kids love and sacrifice for the younger ones; when a new season begins and you can just feel it all around. Those are the times I wish I were a poet.

I would love to be able to express the feelings that come from seeing, hearing and touching. I covet the painter who can capture the beauty he sees on canvas, or the poet who can put into words exactly what is inside him.

I can't do those things; I'm left just feeling. It's sometimes almost too much to bear. But in as much as being able to release the beauty felt inside through words or paint is a gift, the very ability to just feel is one of the greatest gifts I have been given.

I don't need to be an artist. I am surrounded by art. The Master Painter has already created the pictures that make me feel. His poetry is in the miraculous experiences I have every day. I will just feel, and be grateful.


Melanie Jacobson said...


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Yes, don't undervalue that oh so precious gift you've given. There are so many people who go through life numb, never noticing the things that fill your heart to bursting.

And you say you're not a poet, but this post is beautiful and moving. I think you have more poetry in you than you realize.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Feeling, and being sensitive to, the beauty around you is a real gift. Too many people need to be hit over the head before they are ready to recognize their wonderful lives and surroundings. Good for you!

Lindsay said...

Love this. I feel the same way. Living in Alaska, I get the breathless feeling a lot, and have to try to focus on the road so I don't crash. I know what you mean about it sometimes being too much to bear. Like sometimes you might just burst because of such a strong feeling that you just. can't. get. out. Thanks for sharing.

Barbaloot said...

I know what you meant-it would be so nice to express what you feel when you see how amazing the world is!! I think that when I see beautiful sunsets, or the amazing blue sky with no clouds. And I wish I could express it in music.

gramalee said...

good solution. :D Alma 29

Erin said...

I think it is those moments of clarity, of really noticing the beauty, that make life exciting and worth living. I love those moments!

Randi said...

I love this. Thanks, Lisa.

Susan said...

Hey, as I was reading your later post before this I just looked outside and realized how beautiful it is and that I should really go out to enjoy it in some way. Then I read this post, and you've decided me. Thanks.
Oh, and I so know that feeling, but I couldn't even put it into the words you did. :)