Thursday, April 15, 2010

The (Practically) Unsolvable

*Caution: This post may remind you of things you would rather keep forgotten*

I don't have a problem with solving problems. I just try to think of the logical way to fix whatever is broken and then get to work. However, there is one certain type of problem I really am no good with.

Every time one of my babies has a blowout I first get a tiny bit mad (just a teeny tiny bit, like of low growling severity) and after a second I think, "Now what? Where do I begin? I have no idea what to do with this." Every single time.

You would think this would be something a mother of four would get used to. I have not. Especially when the baby is still quite floppy, it is just tricky and unpleasant to deal with this problem.

And if it happens more than once in a day I feel I have been very poorly done by. (Sheesh, who's the baby here!)

I try not to hold it against him. He's just a kid. And when he does this

all is quickly forgiven.


Erin said...

Oh my, he is so adorable. That vest is wonderful with his beautiful blue eyes! I found the perfect way to deal with that problem--pass him over to your husband and offer to get the baby dressed while your husband is scrubbing the clothes (and the sink!) Of course this only works during the small amount of you time that your husband is home!

Love the blog makeover!!

Stephanie said...

So cute. Him, not the blowouts. My suggestion is: just surrender to a complete bath. Lay down a towel, and just get everything off. Don't worry if it smears, spreads, grows in the undressing process. Diaper to trash. Everything else wrapped up in towel to the washing machine for a pre-wash, and child and mother's arms to the bathtub. Then if you manage to get out of it with only the rescue of a few baby wipes, it's a pleasant surprise. Good luck!

Heidi said...

I guess I was lucky that my kids didn't have many of those. I remember one gal who had to bring an extra outfit every single Sunday--and used it--for one of her babies. However, my oldest ralphed a lot. He still does. It wouldn't be so annoying if he were as adorable as your little guy. Oh my!

Carolyn V. said...

Oh my gosh! What a cutie! =)I love the picture Lisa!

My kids had continual blow-ups. The worst was at church in the new outfit that never was clean again.

Alison Wonderland said...

I think there are a lot of "I don't even know where to start" moments in motherhood. Or maybe just in my life. Sigh.

Karen Mello Burton said...

That is one handsome kid! I remember the good ol' blow out days. It always seemed to happen right when we arrived somewhere.

Anonymous said...

My dad always told me that God made kids and kittens cute so He could ensure their survival. =] At least you know you're little dude is definitely going to survive. He's so CUTE!

Becky said...

Ah, blowouts... the bane of every mother's existence. I don't have a magical cure except that it happens to the best of us. Sometimes in Sacrament meeting when your daughter is wearing a white dress and you didn't bring any backup clothes. Not that I would know, of course. My children are utterly perfect in every way. :)

Did you make the vest he is wearing? Super cute!

Lesley said...

He's so danged adorable, I would sign up to handle one of his blowouts just to see his darling face!

Heather said...

One trick that my sister taught me is to fold the flap of the onsie in, on top of the mess, so that it doesn't get all over his hair as you are taking it off. That only makes it a little bit easier to deal with, and only if it went out the back not up the front. I have so many moments like that where I just want to cry and make the mess go away.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

First: those pictures--amazing! Second: blowouts suck. Agreed on Heather's trick. And what I found with my kids was, once they started having blowouts more than once, it was time to up the diaper size--then no more blowouts! Also, there is no substitute for a good quality diaper! My sister swears by a budget brand that I canNOT get my kids to use without blowout central! Good luck, and remember, Ewa is out of this stage, so this too shall pass!

Loralee and the gang... said...

Incidents like that are exactly WHY Heavenly Father made babies so dang cute!