Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing Up

In the last month David turned eight, Evie turned 10 and Aaron is exactly 2 1/2 today. That's why I'm posting some stuff they've said recently.

I really hope that during these months when all I want to do is curl up on my bed and be alone, but am forced to do a Very Large number of things that are NOT that, that I'm able to balance out all my grouchiness and excessive yelling with enough of fun and love that my kids will remember that I DO love them! Normally I consider a "balance" to be maybe 3/4 good with 1/4 bad (at most) (this is probably WAY too much bad, but I have to be realistic). These days if those statistics are switched I think I've done very well. Ugh.


I was explaining how to drive while taking the kids to school one day. "Now I'm slowly taking my left foot off the clutch and slowly pushing on the gas with my right. Now I'm taking my right foot off the gas, pushing down on the clutch with my left and changing gears. . . etc. etc." The whole way. They were shocked to find out how hard it was. I explained that it's especially tricky because there are three pedals that you use constantly, but you only have two feet so you have to do a lot of going back and forth.

Evie said, "Woah! Hey mom, did you ever get your two feet tied in a braid while you were driving?"


We were extremely low on food and I went into the kitchen to find David standing in front of the baking supply cupboard. I jokingly said, "Oh! I guess we really don't have anything to eat if you're sneaking baking soda and cinnamon!" But I realized my baking chocolate is in there too, so I asked what he was eating. He held out his hand. It had a blotch of cinnamon on it. Which he'd been licking. Plain.

After watching Top Gear together one night we went upstairs for the boys' showers. While I was washing his hair David asked, "Why in England do they always say 'it costs' instead of 'it weighs'" I didn't know what he meant so asked him to clarify, but it kept coming down to the British saying that something cost how much it weighed. I finally realized that he was talking about when they are giving specs on a car and they say that it costs xxxx pounds. How confusing!


I've only written one set of articles in the last month (love that). When I did I was pressed for time so I set little goals. I was supposed to have the first two done by 2:30. After helping David with some homework I came in to get started when Aaron asked me SO cutely to read him a book, so I sat down with him, beginning my reading with a little, "Oh, Aaron! At this rate mommy's never gonna reach her goal!" He looked up at me, raised both of his hands above his head and said, "GOOOAAAAAL!!!" which he and his brother are constantly screaming when they play soccer in the hallway.

They can also be found lying on the floor with their heads together looking at a book. All the time. Anywhere in the house. I caught them in the play room one morning looking at David's little scout book.


Randi said...

What sweet kids you have!

And licking cinnamon sounds pretty good to me. But you really might want to consider getting some apples or something. ;)

Lara Neves said...

The getting your legs tied up in a braid comment still has me laughing! That is why I don't drive a manual transmission, because I really would do that!

I love the picture of the boys reading together. I love it when my kids are found doing that. It makes me feel like I've done something right, even if my statistics are skewed towards more bad than good. :)

I also adore your new profile picture!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I so get what you mean about the 3/4 - 1/4 ratio! Funny how your definition of what is a "good" day changes when you're pregnant, eh?

Love those funny moments you're recording here. I'm planning to write a similar post today. Thanks for the gigglges!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Catching the kids hanging out like that is a precious thing, huh? Love that photo.

It is obvious in the way that you write that you enjoy being home with your kids. The best years of my life were when I had my little guys and got to spend gobs of time with them.

And your new profile photo is so sweet! I hoped for at least one blue-eyed baby, but only got brown. :)

Barbaloot said...

Love the picture of your boys! And maybe you can teach my to drive clutch...I've never learned.

Barbaloot said...

Any by clutch, I meant stick shift. Clearly I need help.

Stephanie said...

I've never learned stick shift either, so I would surely perish in Europe (thank heavens for all that public transportation.)

And I think maybe Aaron was letting you know you did achieve your goal and just didn't know it. :)

Cute, cute stories.

melissabastow said...

GOOOOOAAL. If only that's all it took to get anything done. Because that I can handle.

And why does your floor look so exceptionally clean in that picture? Why don't my floors ever look that clean? Even after I just got done cleaning them they're already being splattered with something. Your clean floors MAKE ME SICK (with jealousy.)

Anonymous said...

The leg braid was hilarious! (And so was the pounds!) I'll tell you what, my brain's in a braid today.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I know someone with an allergy to cinnamon. How sad!

Your kids are CUTE. I love the Top Gear story.

Anna said...

Your kids are truly funny! I hate it when my feet get all braided up from driving.

MelancholySmile said...

We love Top Gear around here as well, but don't have the BBC channel anymore. :( I love the cinnamon story-- it makes me feel better about all the times I've dragged myself out of a stupor to realize that dangit- kids need to be fed every day! Go make yourselves some toast, kids!

Anonymous said...

The Stick Shift is the devil's tool. I should know. I didn't learn to drive one until I was twenty years old, and I'm not sure I really ever learned, to be honest. My dad tried to teach me as a kid when we lived near San Francisco -- yah, all those hills? WAS HE SUICIDAL? Maybe. I can't tell you how many times I stalled on those crazy city streets -- it was enough to make me swear off driving forever.

hey...wait a second...maybe my dad had alterior motives?....hmmmm.....

Anyway, your kids are wise, thoughtful creatures. I love the "GOAL!" cheer and I think we should all yell that out once in a while!

Erin said...

I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I wish you lived closer so I could help you out! (And our kids could play together.)

The braid one was my favorite, although they are all very sweet (your kids and the things they say).

gramalee said...

Thanks so much for the window Lu! I'm especially charmed with the cost/pound conundrum. Impressive since that boy must grapple with Polish and English and English. :D xo

charrette said...

I love this little glimpse into your home life and your interaction with your kids. My guess is there's a lot more good there than you're giving yourself credit for!

And I like the idea to set little goals for yourself on your writing projects. I'm going to try that for my design projects. (Now, if I could only get Jeremiah to shout GOAL!)

charrette said...

p.s. If I could send you some bonafide snacks, I would!

Heather of the EO said...

mmmm, licking cinnamon. :)

I can't believe how smart kids are, how much they catch on to...pounds.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Ooh! I love finding my kids in quiet moments like this together! I also wish they would play soccer together and shout goooooal though! How sweet is that?!

Erin said...

I am glad you got that sweet moment in a picture. David's legs look so long next to his brother.

Anne said...

i LOVE that picture and I can't believe how big those boys are!