Thursday, April 9, 2009

2 Aaron

I'm considering titling all future posts with a number and then some kind of noun. 

I love chocolate (birthday) cake for breakfast. 

If, on your two year old's second birthday, he is unable to hold up two fingers (and says "Doo!" (two) while holding up all five fingers) it's okay.  Especially if he does a super cute and rather convincing impression of finger snapping when he's dancing or listening to music.  

It's very hard to teach your child to stop telling everyone "NO!"  Or "No, no!"  when a) your usual method of discipline, and the first that comes to you to get him to stop this behavior, is to tell him "No."  or "No, no"  and b) you can't stop yourself from at least smiling when he comes close to your face and slowly and sternly says, nodding with each repetition "Nooo, nooooo."  (I love when I tell him it's time to change his diaper and he comes and does this in my face.)

I really can't believe he's two.  In many ways I love how he's stayed a bit more dependent and I can still call him my baby.  He's a little angel and has helped our family through lots of changes and stresses this past year.  Love that kid.  


Karen Mello Burton said...

Happy birthday, Aaron! I feel the same way about my youngest. I don't mind at all that he still runs to the door to hug me when I am leaving for a bit. Although, I had a hard time getting him to hold my hand at the mall yesterday! :)

Erin said...

Sto lat Aaron! I can't believe you are two already. What a cute sense of humor you already have.

Stephanie said...

I think two-year olds are quite entertaining. Mine also likes to tell you everything "important" while putting her face very close to yours. It's endearing... and a reminder to listen better.

(p.s. If you use reader and I'm in there, you may need to set RSS... it picked up for one day after the change and then hasn't updated since 4/1)

Heather of the EO said...

I love this post. It's extra special. I can just picture the "Doo!" and the NO NO real close to your face.

Happy Birthday!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

I love those moments with my 2-year-old too. Helps me cope with the...other moments. :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

My youngest often saves the oldest's hide by being adorable at me like that. It's very calming and sanity restoring somehow.

Erin said...

What a little cutie! Happy birthday Aaron!

Heidi said...

I'm feeling the exact same way about my seven year old. yay for the babies of the family!

Beeswax said...

Two is still a baby. You are well within baby ranges. My baby is turning three next month, and three is not a baby.

You should get in his face and tell him YESSSSS! That will confuse him right good.

Randi said...

Sweet boy!
Oh! and I feel the exact same way about chocolate cake! Especially if the frosting is homemade.

melissabastow said...

None of my kids had the ability to say "Doo" or hold up two fingers by their second birthday. This has caused a deeply scarring hole to be torn in my mothering soul. Ok, truly I hadn't really thought about it until now. So I may not really be scarred, but I am feeling semi-bummed.

Mrs4444 said...

He's an incredible gift, isn't he. So wonderful...

Little GrumpyAngel said...

He sounds like such an adorable boy! Maybe it's good that you don't live close by because I love squishing cute babies :-) Two is a beautiful stage, an incredibly busy, and amazing stage. He'll give you lots of material for blogging I promise :-)

Alison Wonderland said...

I find myself laughing at (and with) my kids a lot more now than I did when the older ones were little. Seven years ago I wouldn't have laughed at my two year old telling me "no". Now I find it hilarious.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Awww! Happy birthday to that sweet baby!

J. Baxter said...

My youngest is about to turn three.


Where has it gone? And my last little boy (at five and a half) is leaving the frontiers of babyhood forever AS WE SPEAK! (Type? Whatever.)

It's all very traumatizing.

And yet, liberating.

And I already can't wait till I have grandbabies. How sad is that?

Lesley said...

Two year olds are the best. I love that age. And babies in general are such blessings of joy.

charrette said...

Two is my favorite age. (I love them all, actually, even the teenage years, but two is the BEST!) Happy day to Aaron, and to you.