Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aaron's Calling

As I was washing dishes yesterday Aaron came in and stood next to me.  He began his babbling.  He does a lot of that. This time, though, he was speaking in a very firm voice.  I looked down and saw that he was facing into the kitchen, holding Greg's Polish Bible open and discoursing to the specks of dust floating through the air in the sunlight streaming through the window.  

"How darling!"  I thought, as mothers are wont to do.  I dried my hands and gave him a long squeezy hug and 3 kisses and then went back to washing dishes, while he went back to his sermon.  I reflected:  He sees his daddy up on the stand at church every Sunday.  Nearly every Sunday he gives a talk or teaches a lesson.  This is imitative behavior!  He's preparing to be like daddy.  How sweet!

But his tone of voice was different than Greg's.  He was sounding a bit more authoritative, putting a stronger emphasis on the key word of each "sentence." And it was getting worse.  He was as close to shouting as you can get while still only talking.   Soon his voice almost had an angry tone to it.   We were on to the hellfire and damnation portion of his address.  I looked down and saw that his face, buried in the book, was red and at some points his whole little body was shaking with the intensity of his delivery of the message.  

I stopped thinking about how adorable he was and started wondering where in the world he learned about this type of preaching.  Really!  Sheesh!  

If he's going to grow up to be a prophet, as Ewelina has been telling me she feels that he will, he'll have to learn a different way of sermonizing.   I think in our church we call it giving a "talk" for a reason.  

Also, today while I was starting a load of laundry, Aaron was in my room "folding" the socks.  When I went in to check on him and saw that he had made a discovery:

David's underwear fit perfectly!
This is a cell phone shot, obviously, but at least you can still make out my unmade, laundry covered bed in the background!
I've mentioned that I don't have much access to books of different genres.  This is part of the reason Annette the Angelic sent me her book to read.  She thought that maybe there aren't as many Deseret Book Stores in Poland as there are in Utah. (Also, on my review I forgot to mention that the book is LDS historical fiction, the fourth in her temple series, and that Ewelina is reading and loving it, too!)

Also, Heather the Heavenly was SO NICE that she rigged her giveaway so that I won the book Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult that she had signed,!  Obviously Heather wants to give me a chance to read a wider range of books, too.  Or possibly I happened to be chosen randomly.  Either way.

However you look at it, I'll tell you one thing:  If I ever write a book, there are two phrases you'll be sure to find in that book, "The Lyon's Tale" and "The Extraordinary Ordinary."


Heather of the EO said...

I'm so happy for you!

That little boy of yours sure is adorable, even with unders on his noggin. SO cute.

I wanted you to know that I CAN and WILL send the book straight to you if you'd like. I really don't mind.

Congrats again!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love the fervent little preacher man thing! That is so funny, and tender at the same time.

And glad you got two new books. Now, make sure you don't let all this reading get in the way of your blogging...

Josi said...

I'm excited to see you weave those words in :-) So cute about the preaching--maybe Aaron has a little polish baptist in him.

Erin said...

Aaron has grown up a lot since you last posted a picture of him. He is so cute! Next time you need to get a video of his preaching. It sounds hilarious.

Lara Neves said...

The preaching would definitely be something I would like to see! How adorable! I wonder where he learned to be so passionate and red-faced about it?

Melissa said...

I agree. We need to see a video of this. What a cutie pie.

Lesley said...

What a cute story, and I love the um, "headgear". Just look out when he really does start talking. I think you're in for an earfull!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Maybe Aaron is missing the shouting from your last post, and this is his way of showing you...? I mean, maybe he craves it, but in more of a spiritual way...? :) I think I will try that on my kids and see how it works out. Right now we are sort of stagnant on the non-spiritual kind.

And I can't believe how big he is getting! My kids seem to get older, but not bigger. I am really hoping they will make it past 5'5", to be honest. Nice that he found an attractive pair of undies to use--I must sort through my kids' to make sure they would be so photogenic in such a scenario!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm not much for laughing out loud, but the mental picture of Aaron hitting the hellfire portion of his sermon totally cracked me up!

And congrats on winning the giveaway - I love when a blogger I know wins! ALMOST as much fun as winning myself.


Aquaspce said...

Underwear, apparently makes a great accessory for the head... my kids do that too and I'm like "Why?" As for the sermon from the kitchen... at least he was passionate about which he spoke!

Anonymous said...

That's some serious sermonizing -- reminds me of the old Hayley Mills "Pollyanna" with the reverend that could shake the chandeliers! Did you understand what he was saying, or did just the tone of his voice say it all?

That Girl said...

Well. I'll take a hellfire and damnation sermon from that face any day. Especially when underwear is included.

Alison Wonderland said...

Every now and then I like a little hellfire and damnation. (Or maybe I just like to say "hellfire and damnation".) And well, maybe we could use a little more of it.

OnGod'sErrand said...

I'm afraid will have lose the headpiece before anyone will take his preaching seriously....but, on the otherhand, people will notice him. (Cute picture)

melissabastow said...

I hope those dust specks repented before Aaron called down the full wrath of God on them. My kids have been known to give Missionairy discussions to their Fisher Price Little People, but usually by the end of their lesson they are saying stuff about ponies and transformers, which I highly doubt is in the missionairy handbook.

Melanie Jacobson said...

One of the highlights every day for me is putting the baby's pants on his head when I change his diapers. It makes us both giggle and I will be sad when he doesn't think pants on his head are funny any more.

Sheri said...

Very funny! He's gonna love you for posting that picture in a few years.. He is getting so big!

Susan said...

We love that boy! It's so funny, I don't know if Lily has ever done this before, and I know she hadn't seen this post because she wasn't even awake when I read it in the morning. But she came down from her bath last night with her underwear and pj's for me to help her with, just as I'd asked, only she was laughing and laughing because she'd put her underwear on her head. I couldn't believe the coincidence, and quickly brought up your blog with the picture. Funny cousins!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Your little preacher man is way adorable. Maybe he is passionate with his message and that's what he had to use a little unorthodox emphasis :-)

And I don't see anything wrong with your bed.

Anne said...

Aaron ius WAAAAAY too big!