Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some Days Are Like That

Yesterday was a funny day. A day when I realized how truly hilarious I am. Over and over. Do these sound familiar?
Just like the ones I knew before.
. . . fake snow fleeced on.
I edited the first one as soon I recognized it. It felt wrong as I typed it, but not wrong enough for me to think any harder about it. It's scary, really. I've heard and sung that song countless times every year, even in Poland.

And exactly how many DIY shows do I need to watch in order to remember that it's called flocking? I guess at least 39 because I'm pretty sure I've seen 38 or so episodes wherein they "flocked" something. At least the wrong word I used was also sheep related.

And last night I went down to check out the tree and guess what I saw? That you can't really see the dust on there. So much for that idea. And for yesterday's entire post. (I swear, judging by how much was on there three days after it was put up (and Greg vacuumed it before we decorated it) It was sure to be white for Christmas!)

Also, I took part yesterday (and the day before) in a blog/email "conversation." A fairly important one in which I repeatedly left out or added words and then misquoted someone. I was so wonderfully awesome.

I couldn't help loving myself a little more than usual yesterday. I am just so funny.


Randi said...

You're funny in lots of ways!

It's ok to have a scrambled brain this time of year. I think it's even expected, really!

Heidi said...

I love your attitude! In fact, that is one reason I want to read everything you write--you have such a sunny disposition. It's especially nice first thing in the morning when I could just as easily swing an axe at someone as give them a good morning hug. (ugh!)

Lara Neves said...

I constantly change words to songs and the like.

Last year, while singing a solo in a Christmas concert, I sang "Shepherds naked, cold and bare." The words are nothing like that and I still get a kick out of myself every time I think of it. :)

Erin said...

I leave out words and misspell stuff all of the time in comments. Adn I'm just too darn lazy to change them. See? Like the and that reads adn.

That's why I like you. You're approachable and friendly.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Wow, by this standard, I'm totally a comic genius. Thanks for the perspective!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I haet ti when I levea a comennt and thne notcie al of the missppellings. :)

Anonymous said...

Life would be awfully boring if we couldn't laugh at ourselves once in a while!! (Otherwise, I'd say we're having a pretty similar week, you and I! Did someone forget to pay the Reality Bill, and is that why my brain isn't functioning?)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You are just too fabulous for words, babe! ~Hugs~

Alison Wonderland said...

Fleeced, flocked, give me a break!

Aquaspce said...

You ARE freakin' hilarious! I was like all warm and bubbly after reading you...
And laughing to myself...
Is that normal?
Should I be laughing all by myself...
I'm not going to ask anyone else just in case...
but you
my dear

Barbaloot said...

Love it. I love the times when you do/say something and later have that "I'm a complete space-cadet" moments. Especially when they make you feel incredibly embarrassed when you realize what you really did:)

Anne said...

Personally, I think "the ones I knew before" sounds more intelligent and poetic.