Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Just the Way I am

When I wrote the post about keeping my commitments and Kazzy suggested that I could have you guys ask me questions for ideas of what to write about I was so happy. I thought it was such a brilliant idea! I was going to email her thanking her for it, but then thought, no I will post about it tomorrow, so no need.

Then the next day I posted about it and was all sarcastic with a "as if I need any ideas of what to write about!" and instead of heaping the praise and thanks on her that I meant to, it came across as though I would do what she suggested, even though it was, I don't know, not nice somehow of her to suggest it. Totally not how I felt. Remember the princess post? Yeah, this is one of those times when curbing the sarcasm might have been a good idea. So sorry, about that.

So Kazzy the Terrific asked: If you had a week totally alone and could go anywhere and do anything, what would you choose?

Um, there's a reason I didn't choose this question first. It requires both a) thought and consideration and b) a revelation (greater than usually) of my lameness. So I don't think I'll really answer in the way she intended me to, and instead I'll explain myself.

On a scale of one to ten, my level of wanderlust is about a zero. Let's alter that scale to make it much more precise and accurate: on a scale of one to three thousand, my level of wanderlust would fall somewhere right around. . . zero. Or right exactly on zero.

I like to travel. I love to see new places. I really enjoy spending time in the mountains. I love the ocean/beach/seaside. I have always loved long road trips. I get excited about these things. Once they're planned.

If there were never any trips planned I would be just fine sitting at home doing nothing. I can almost get as excited about sitting around the TV for a family movie night in front of brownies (for me) and popcorn(for them). This sounds terrible, but I REALLY love a family movie night, so it's not that bad.

I know it's probably a huge shame that I live here within driving distance (okay, it's a ways away, but still) of Paris and I don't really care to go. We've been to Germany, but only for purposes of temple attendance and once on our way to Denmark with my mom. We've been to Slovakia for Visa renewals. We've travelled all over Poland, with visitors, but have also done a lot on our own. I love it! But I haven't seen every square inch of Poland yet, and can't imagine that anyplace else could be any better.

So here I sit. Happy. I'm also easy to entertain when I visit family in America. "Oh, let's go to Disneyland, the Aquarium, the beach, the museum etc. etc. etc." "Sure!" I'll say. "Sounds great!" But really, if we sit at home and chat over a game of sequence I'll be just as happy.

Boring. I think that's the word for me. So if I could spend a week alone anywhere doing anything, I would stay at home and read and read and eat brownies. Or I'd go to Italy and see Venice and Rome and Florence. Or maybe I'd go for a getaway to a hotel in the mountains, or visit Jerusalem. Really, it's all about the same to me.


Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't think anyone who lives in a foreign country and learns a ew lingo and writes great posts could ever be called "boring". I have a small handful of friends that have no real craving to plan and carry out a trip. Some people with uber-wanderlust have it carry over into their feelings about their personal lives and find themselves unsatisfied unless they are always being entertained. Mine is somewhere in the middle. Thanks, Lisa the Terrific!

Karen Mello Burton said...

And I vote for Florence. seriouslt, life-changing stuff!

Anonymous said...

I vacillate between a deep urge to sit and do nothing and a need to go out and do something. Sometimes I would just as soon spend a week at home with some hot cocoa and occasional forays out into the big world to go shopping or out for meals. And other times I'm ready for a big trip somewhere fun. At least the first one happens occasionally. LOL. Big trips don't happen much around here!

Annette Lyon said...

In theory, I'd love to travel. But only with someone who knows what they're doing and where we're going. I'm a wimp like that.

My husband is like you--his dream day is sitting home in sweats watching TV with a box of pizza.

Lara Neves said...

I'm totally a home body. I totally get it.

I do like travel, but I couldn't just jump on a plane because I could. Planning. Lots of it.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Yeah, I say I love to travel and I've been lots of places, but it occurs to me that other people have planned those trips. I wonder if I would like it if I had to do it? That's a good point.

Becky said...

I'm right there with ya. I like to see new places but it's not a big deal for me. Hooray for boring people!

Anne said...

How can you be my sister?

Anonymous said...

Hey, next season, let's you and I try out for the Amazing Race! We'll blow them all away with our couch-potato attitudes and set a new record for laziness!

Seriously, I would love to travel if I could do it in my own private leer jet and with a nanny to pack all my children's clothes and a maid to clean up after us. Oh, and a surrogate husband who would actually WANT to come along.

Because my husband is just like you. He would be happy staying right here at home, lounging on our red reclining couch, for the rest of his life. I think it has something to do with his traveling all summer from one fire camp to another and living in primitive tents and eating cafeteria-style food with hundreds of smelly, sweaty firefighters that haven't showered for five days.

Just maybe.

Heidi said...

Oh, man, it hurts! Never been to France? Or Italy? And so close? I realize that Poland probably has a lot of the same appeal, but aaiiiieeeee! It kills me! I would so love to see those places--but first, back to England because I didn't even get to London or Jane Austen country when I was there and only saw Wales for a day and then it's off to Ireland and Scotland because these are places that have to be felt and smelled--it isn't the same as it looks in pictures--different places are different--and I just love it! Having said that, if it was up to me to muster up the energy to make it all happen, it wouldn't. I hope someone else will get to mustering one day.

Thora said...

I always thought that I loved to travel. I certainly love new experiences, and sights/places. But...I hate planning a trip. It's so difficult. And Avram doesn't like to travel, so I have to provide enough excitement for the whole family in order to go and do something. So....usually we just sit at home. Even when we lived in England, mostly we sat at home.

I guess the most important thing is to know what makes you happy - and if brownies are it, then that's great! (especially your killer yummy brownies).

Thora said...

Oh, I meant to say that I did love traveling when I did a study abroad and the director planned everything. All I had to do what show up, and pay in one lump sum. That's my kind of trip - I like paying all at once as well, because then every small aspect I don't sit and wonder, "was it worth so much American dollars for this?", but can just enjoy it.

Pancake said...

HEY! There is a chance I might go to germany this summer, my brother may get stationed there.... MAYBE we could meet????

Erin said...

I feel the same way as you. Except, when a trip is planned, I get really excited until about 2 or 3 days before, and then I get really nervous and full of the "what ifs": What if the plane/car crashes? What if my wallet gets stolen? What if I can't find my way around.


Alison Wonderland said...

I'm not much of a traveler either. I like the thought of it but it's way too much work. Right now the only reason I'm ever really tempted to travel is to go somewhere my kids aren't.

Lesley said...

I'm a lot like you. There is nothing wrong with home sweet home and your own nice bed! As much as I'm working right now, a day at home sounds like a vacation!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I don't think you are lame and boring. I think you're just a contented person. When I was younger, not that I'm OLD :-), I wanted to see the world and explore, but now I know that the best things in life are right here in my home. So I still would appreciate visiting new places, I just don't care if I don't ever.

BTW, I just want to let you know I will be on blog-cation and will not be able to visit and comment for awhile. I will miss your posts but I will be back. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday!