Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday

First I need to thank every person who commented on my last post.  I appreciate your thoughts so much.  They helped me realize how much I really want to soften the edges of this rough stone that I am.  Thanks for your (unanticipated) help.  Really good stuff for me.

This morning I gave Spence the last of the sponge cake cookies* (biszkopty):

A few minutes later this is what I found sitting on the couch:
* aka pointless cookies.  Because, really?  No fat?


Jon said...

Maybe he was hoping if he tried everyone, he would get to eat them later, cause no siblings would want them.

Jon said...

That was Liz.

Katherine Bouldin said...

I LOVE this!! He was just marking his territory ... anyone with older siblings knows that treats are scarce once the older ones come home from school. Ashley did the same thing to an entire batch (about 50 cookies!) of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I made when she was about 2 years old. Poor thing was starving (yeah right!) and I had the nerve to take a shower that morning ... she climbed up onto the kitchen counter to get them. It seems to be hereditary, though, as Charles did the same thing to an entire barrel of apples once ... when he was a kid.

Susan said...

Boy after my own heart. The cookies are not really delicious (per your footnote), but they're COOKIES, so he just kept trying another, HOPING for a better tasting one.

Carolyn V said...

lol! Too cute. My kids do that too, except they do it so no one else will touch what they want to eat. ;)

Barbaloot said...

It's like with apples---the first bite is always the best so you should really just eat one bite of everything:)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Taste testing. I get it. :)

Creepy Query Girl said...

I love how there's at least oen bite taken out of each! Priceless!