Thursday, April 28, 2011


Sometimes moms forget to buckle their little boys into their strollers. The reason for this might sometimes be that the mom knows in the back of her mind that the child won't try to climb out and is too old to slip out. However, because the mother might normally buckle the child in anyway, it might also be partly due to forgetfulness.

In cases when this happens (or rather doesn't happen--the buckling, I mean), there are few surprises less welcome than, when the child has been peacefully sleeping in said stroller for some time, the stroller suddenly begins to slow, there are dragging sounds and then, unexpectedly, the sandal of the sleeping child appears near the mother's feet, coming out from under the back of the stroller. And however much the mother might hope he isn't, the child might still actually be wearing that sandal.

Yes, sometimes mothers run over their own children with their strollers, and the little ones sometimes get scratched up noses and chins.

But sometimes small children are far more traumatized by the sound of water popping in hot oil on the stove all the way across the kitchen of an evening than they were earlier in the day when their mother ran over them with with the stroller.

I will leave you to think about what an amazing imagination I have to come up with such a hypothetical.

Seriously, despite his VERY rude awakening, he needed only a good hug and some gentle wiping of his face and he was happy as ever. I, however, needed to hug him a little longer, and again every time I looked at his face for the next few hours. And he was hysterical over the sound of the oil popping.


Veiltender said...

When Lydia was a toddler, right around two, she was reaching forward out of her stroller, and tipped head first onto the ground, and got a scratched up nose. It was the week before I had Elisheva, and in all of her newborn pictures, Lydia has a sad little nose (if you look at May 2008 of my blog you can see it.) So sad. You would think this would mean that I always strap my kids in now, but you would be wrong.

Sad about your boy, but glad it didn't phase him much!

Veiltender said...

(That was me, Thora. Oops).

Susan said...

Sorry to laugh at your pain (and Spencer's), but well, I am laughing. It's just too funny.
I love the sound of the water popping in oil!

Pitterle Postings said...

Oh, I think I resemble those remarks!! I myself really hate the sound of hot oil popping. Too many burns, so I think he has his priorities just right.

MelancholySmile said...

I love the way you write! You brought a welcome smile to my face, though I do cringe for poor Spencer. :D

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Such a brilliantly told tale, but ah, how I winced at the climax! I think I'm more sorry for you than him, as it sounds like your trauma was more intense!

Melanie Jacobson said...

I think me running Grant over a few times is why he likes Kenny better now.

Karen Mello Burton said...

And what if a mom forgets to buckle her even smaller one into his car seat and while she is walking down the sidewalk carrying said seat the little guys slides right out. Onto the pavement. Ugh. I hate myself now...

Erin said...

Kaitlyn touches the button on the computer that makes the cd tray pop out, and she cries hysterically and crawls toward me every time. It's cute (and funny) what they are scared of, isn't it?

So sorry someone may have hypothetically gotten run over by a stroller. :(

Erin said...

I am pretty much past the buckling stage for almost 3 year old Mimi. Maybe I should rethink that! I am debating if I should even bring a stroller to Poland, but it seems like it would be so hard for her to keep up even though she is pretty big now to be in a stroller.

melissabastow said...

Sometimes I think about how close to perfection you are, which then gets me thinking, "she probably sees me as her 'project friend' and one of these days she's just going to give up and realize that I will always be horrible." But now that I know that you run your own children over with strollers? Yeah, I'm feeling much less "project friend-y", since you know, now I know that we're both horrible.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Oh, the guilt of injuring your child from something completely preventable! I know the feeling of needing to hug them "a little longer." Thank you for reminding me that sometimes I'm not the only one.

Lisa said...

Kazzy, you're not alone!

Heidi said...

Sorry, but I found this hysterical! You are a talented writer! When my big guy was four months old, I dumped him out of his stroller. On an escalator. His little forehead got scraped up on the intake grid at the bottom and he got a huge knot on his forehead. Now way of knowing how may of his disabilities are a result of this event but since he was born with problems already, I try not to stress over it too much. (Just a little nightmare once in a while, probably again tonight . . ) Not that you need to worry about that with Spencer. I suspect his decent was much gentler. :)

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

oh, been there, done that! I loved how you wrote it and by the way, both of my sons are TERRIFIED of the sound of water popping in hot oil! seriously TERRIFIED!

LisAway said...

My gosh. I was just reading this story to my kids and went through the comments. Man, I love you. :)