Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cut Short

I finally did away with the terrible haircut I've been sporting for the last few months. The cut I got on Monday was nice except for the three major things that were wrong with it.

So I took scissors to my own hair for the first time ever. Let me tell you, in case you are unaware: cutting one's own hair requires an entirely different level of skill than cutting one's children and husband's hair. In case you have never tried it I will paint you a picture:

It's like writing a story in a foreign language left-handed while looking at the paper upside down and in a mirror. The one difference being that if you get it wrong you can't just crumple the paper up and try again. Instead you are doomed to feel lame or wear a paper bag over your head whenever you're in public OR cut your hair really, really short.

I now have a renewed respect for people who cut their own hair well. Respect and also a slight hesitancy to believe them. (still, mine isn't bad enough to require a paper bag or shorter cut, but I'm not sure yet about how embarrassed I should feel to be seen in public.)

So anyway,

Actually, never mind. That was all lead-up to what I actually wanted to post about which has virtually nothing to do with poor haircuts, cutting one's own hair or even writing in foreign languages. But I'll post that one another day because going to bed sounds so very much better at the moment than trying to remember my point. And plus, cutting this post off awkwardly seems very fitting.


Heidi said...

You're such a wit! I used to cut my own hair. When it got to the point where I would stand in front of the mirror hesitating and sweating for ten minutes before commencing, I gave it up. For whatever reason, it got harder or I cared more or just worried about whether or not something bad would happen a whole lot more than I used to. I'm sure yours looks fab, tho. Meanwhile, my husband got an awful cut the other day. He looks like a Roundhead.

Julie P said...

You are one brave woman!! I learned to french braid hair on other people, so doing it on myself - it is natural to do it inside out...if it's so hard for me to do a regular french braid on my own head, it would be a horror to see what I'd do with a pair of scissors!

Barbaloot said...

I would never try to cut my own hair! You're brave...and if we get picture-proof I'll probly tell you you're talented as well:)

Lesley said...

I was a licensed cosmetologist and I don't touch my hair with scissors (except for bangs). That's just a recipe for disaster!

Pitterle Postings said...

Nope, I never cut my own hair. I know that I would end up nearly bald or even worse!!!

MelancholySmile said...

I gave up having bangs because they required frequent trimming, which I ALWAYS managed to mess up.

I'm sure yours is lovely! I once walked around for a whole week with green hair, so take it from me-- if your hair is ever not to your liking, hats are back in vogue and make a world of difference. :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Yeah. There's no way. I would look like I handed one of my kids the scissors and said, "Have fun with my head."

Susan said...

picture time...

Karen Mello Burton said...

I tried to layer my bangs once and could not get the mirrored image thing AT ALL.

Lara Neves said...

You are brave. Judging how badly it turned out when I tried to cut Bria's hair once, I shudder to think of what it might look like to try my own!

Erin said...

I think cutting your own hair is very brave. And maybe a teeny bit psycho. :) The real question is - do we still look alike?