Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Might Be A Mother


...you argue with a three year old over whether or not his eyes are blue and then pull out your phone and take a picture, on the spot, to prove you're right. (then look on the computer and realize that the picture is lot more grainy than it was on your phone)

...while combing a girl's hair you ask if she knows why you came into the world. When she responds, without missing a beat, "To be our mom" you tear up a little and scold yourself for ever, ever complaining about this gig.

...you can't sit down to eat a sandwich for three minutes without being tugged at, pulled on and stared at with eyes that say "hold me, mommy!"
...you sometimes grab a nine year-old boy and sit him on your lap and talk to him, the whole time wondering how on earth he got to be SO BIG.

...you realize that nearly everything you write as your status update on facebook includes something certain kids have said or done. You want to stop boring people but you kind of can't.

...you laugh and cry both with and about the same kids pretty much every day.

...you love to read, write and talk about children and parenting, even with people you have never met before, on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not saying any of these criteria apply to me, I'm just saying that I'm pretty sure I'm a mother.


Erin said...

Yep, I'm definitely a mom. (Especially about the facebook thing. My kids are so stinkin' cute!!)

Erin said...

(P.S. Yours are too) :)

Elizabeth said...

Today is a 'crappy' mom day, so I am glad you posted this! It is much needed to remember how great it is to be a mother (even though today is not one of the great days).

gramalee said...

what Ewie said AND to be my beautiful daughter!

Carolyn V. said...

Yup. I'm a mom too. You explained it perfectly! =)

Lara Neves said...

Oh yeah, I'm definitely a mother. :)

Loved this.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I actually really like your status updates.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh those eyes...Claira has the exact same expression. Daily.

This was all kinds of sweet and wonderful. And I'm with Melanie. I like your status updates too.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Those blue eyes kill me. Wow!

I got a little choked up with your daughter's response. sigh

Loralee and the gang... said...

Looks like a pretty accurate list!

Heather said...

I can't understand how my nine year old got so big either.

Lindsay said...

I pretty much only identify with the 3-minute-sandwich-eating thing at this point, but BOY do I identify with that! :)

Susan said...

sooo true. Kind of weird to not have the tugging while I'm eating my sandwich anymore.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder whether I'll even write anything online when my kids grow up and it's not all about them anymore. But maybe I will have grandkids by then. :)

I know I am a mother because I am rarely bored listening to other moms talk about their kids.

Lesley said...

Amen, sista! It's the best gig around!