Monday, September 6, 2010

A Prince and His, um, Horse

As a young teenager girl I dreamed of my Prince Charming. While I dreamed, this is the noble steed upon which my Knight in Shining Armor galloped:

He's in the passenger seat (it was his friend's car). I would like to say that I have no idea how he even got in there, because it sounds good, but the fact is, this is the exact same model (and color!) of car we drove for a few months while I was all the way pregnant with David, before we got a real car, so I know very well that it is possible to get in and out of one, even when you're Very Large.

It's pretty shocking how different the streets look today when compared with this picture ('91). Well, truthfully, you see the same number of pedestrians and kiosks, but now the streets are busy and full of new cars.

But what's really crazy is that they are also rather full of this same car. Still!

And I'm not sure when they started painting center lines on the streets, but they have them now. (and fine, they probably had them then, too, just not on some streets, such as the one pictured above. I'm glad, because it helps contribute to the sense that the street as wide as the Mississippi compared to this microscopic car)

Two jokes Greg tells about these cars:
1. What's the quietest car in the world? A Fiat Maluch (MAL-oo-h) because when you sit down in one your knees cover your ears.
2. This is the only Vatican endorsed car because, um, for reasons of chastity.

Even though this car looks like something we would have been required to build for our final project in my Beginning Auto class in high school, I love it. Partly because I have memories of my own in one (including trying not to go into labor one time while riding over an extremely bumpy road through the forest), but also because it's part of what got Greg where he is today. It was part of his journey. This picture was taken not too long after he was baptized, and the driver/friend was his branch president.

It's kind of funny that in a world where many people feel that it matters what gets you from A to B, this picture inspires so much more affection from me than if my knight had been driving a shiny BMW. Or riding a glossy-coated, black stallion.


Lara Neves said...

Those cars have always intrigued me. I rode in enough of them (taxis) to know that they aren't as small as they look, but I did always worry they might fall apart at any minute!

Alison Wonderland said...

I'm all about A to B baby.

Carolyn V. said...

Aw! It's so cute (and so tiny)!

Erin said...

I love that you took Beginning Auto in high school Lisa! Has it come in handy?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love car design. Sometimes a small car intrigues me, then I get my little SUV packed with teens and think it is just fine. :)

Barbaloot said...

I think I'd get claustrophobic in that car!

Lesley said...

It's so ca-yoooot!Squeal! And it's more like they're wearing it than riding in it--great photo!

Stephanie said...

Love his jokes. It certainly stands as a stark contrast to the American aircraft-carrier-sized vehicles.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

It really is rather cute.

Neil had a huge boat of a car. WAY too easy to make out in. I think I will require my daughters to date men with tiny cars...

melissabastow said...

Naw, I'm all for shiny black stallions. We keep one in our garage, just for special occassions. (As long as an old, dorky, blue minivan, that is missing one hubcap, can be called a shiny black stallion.) That's a pretty great car though. I bet it gets good gas mileage?

Melanie Jacobson said...

He makes funny jokes!

Susan said...


Annette Lyon said...

It's amazing what provokes memories to rise to the surface.

Loralee and the gang... said...

Yep. this is the kind of stuff that builds memories. And character.