Sunday, November 29, 2009


Yesterday I took the Christmas decorations down from the attic. We decorated the tree to Christmas carols and ate mint brownies. I think we're ready for Christmas. (except for the shopping. . . minor details).

While I was up there (in the attic, not the tree) I thought maybe I'd take down the baby clothes and stuff like that. You know, since I had an important reason to be up there anyway and everything. I sorted through them and now I just have to wash them. Last week I bought some doll sized diapers and wipes and nursing pads (that's everything, right?). I think we're ready for a baby.

Good thing too, since my doctor estimates he'll come in the next week and a half or so. Any day now, really. My strategy for preparing myself for giving birth is to not think about it until it starts to hurt. Clever, aren't I?

There was one other thing I've been pretty concerned about: Aaron. He's been the baby of the family and gets LOADS of attention, since Ev and Dave were pretty old (5 & 7 irrespectively) when he was born. He's excited every time we talk about having a baby in our house, but of course, I've been worrying a little about jealousy.

Last weekend we went to visit some friends in Warsaw who have a three month old baby. Liz (aka Lith, aka Anion,according to Aaron for some strange reason), the mother, was shadowed by Aaron almost the entire time we were there because he just couldn't get enough of little Ania and watching and "helping" Liz care for her.

I worried a little that he wouldn't want me or Greg to hold her, but the only issues of jealousy were expressed this way, "Aaron hold it!?! Aaron hold it, baby Ania!?!"

This picture, taken after at least five minutes of him sitting like this, sums up how Aaron feels about babies. I think he's ready to be a big brother.


Rachel Cotterill said...

Definitely sounds like he's ready to be a big brother - I hope he still feels like that in a few weeks' time :)

Merry Christmas!

Erin said...

You look great! I can't believe you are due so soon. Don't forget the other kind of pads too. :)

gramalee said...

Totally sweet :D! Newborns are pretty resilient. I always let the kids have a sense of propriety right off the bat. Since newborns don't react like 3-month-olds (Ania is incredibly darling!) the older siblings lose interest somewhat, especially if they don't have to exert their rights to begin with.
My prayers are with you Lu. The doctor told me that you would be born before he got back from his vacation in Sept. Oct 27 I finally took caster oil. True but scarey story told to scare you into labor. xoxoxo

MelancholySmile said...

What a wonderful Christmas present you'll have this year! And you look fabulous. I always think it's nice to be pregnant {if one has to be pregnant at all} during the holidays, since it's such a nesting time anyway. The house is warm and cozy and bustling and good family feelings are plenty. Aaron's going to be such a doting big brother!

gramalee said...

Now my editor daughter, do you stuff. Correct those errors. :D

Lara Neves said...

Oh my goodness, he is so adorable! He will make an awesome big brother.

Liz said...

We were so honored to have Aaron hold Ania. He was so excited the whole time and kept exclaiming "WOW". It made for a great weekend. Can't wait to see him with his little brother.

Elizabeth said...

Jealous you guys all get to see each other! Can't wait to hear the story of your upcoming birth (afterwards of course, you better post it)...good luck with it all!

Veiltender said...

(This is Thora)

Exciting that you're going to have your baby so soon! And it'll be nice, because he'll be born in December, but not stacked right next to Christmas, so he'll still have a separate birthday identity.

Good luck with the birth, and everything!

Lesley said...

I'll be thinking good laboring thoughts for you! As for Aaron, allowing him to help put diapers on or choose the baby's outfit or socks or whatever will help a lot with the rivalry thing. If he feels like he has some say-so in the whole situation it will make him feel better.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

I'm so excited for you! I will be sending good vibes to you along the lines of cozy decor for your very sanitary hospital room. Good, good luck and I'm sure all your kids will be in ecstasies over their new little sib!

Stephanie said...

Yep, I think he's ready. You look great; what an exciting time ahead for your family.

(unrelated p.s. I can't remember if I wrote you back after you offered to help me write articles. You are -obviously- super busy right now, so I'm not even going to try to have all of that in place by the time I launch the site. We'll work on it little by little. Later. Okay?)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love your plan and wish I'd adopted it instead of overthinking and freaking out! So excited for you and your family!

Jillybean said...

That picture is adorable!

Carolyn V. said...


I worried about my little girl being jealous of the new baby when he was born. She was a little, but now they are best buddies and do almost everything together. It's been a happy surprise.

Good luck in the coming weeks! It's so exciting! =)

Alison Wonderland said...

Of course he'll be jealous, I'd be worried if he weren't. But you'll be fine. I promise, you'll all live through it.

Barbaloot said...

What a cute picture! Little kids reacting to babies is so fun...and also scary when they maul them sometimes:)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Little Grant is exactly the same way with babies right now. Since I have a few more months to get ready than you do, I think I'm going to get him a baby doll for Christmas and let him hold and love it so he can get more practice in. But he LOVES him some babies!

Annette Lyon said...

Yeah, I think he'll do just fine. :)

Susan said...

I LOVE those pictures: You cute and super prego, and Aaron just watching baby Ania! I think you've pretty much got the best strategy, until you feel anxious because you're NOT thinking about it. Then you switch strategies. We're praying for you always!

melissabastow said...

That picture is a-dor-able! However, he might not think a baby is so great once he has one around 24 hours a day....just sayin'.

Also, I love your labor strategy. When everyone pressured me into taking birthing classes when I was pregnant for the first time, I would just put my fingers in my ears and hum really loudly. Because I seriously did not want to know how much it hurt to give birth to a baby. And still to this day I cannot look at a picture of a woman in the midst of pushing a baby out without totally freaking out (also those pictures are a little gross and private - or should be private that is.) Also the word 'episiodomy' makes me shudder. I'm so glad I had c-sections. Cut me in the stomach ANY day know....down there......SHUDDER.

Nancy said...

Will was 3 1/2 when Linus was born and while he adored babies from a distance, he didn't want to be near one up close. After about a week he held him. Once Linus started rolling and crawling Will began tackling him, nicely. He's very very excited for Linus to keep growing up so they can wrestle for real.

charrette said...

So sweet....

I was hoping I didn't miss the big day while I was off writing my book!

You look amazing for being about ready to deliver.

And in response to the most recent post, YES.
But it goes away, I promise.


Karen Mello Burton said...

I couldn't leave your blog without finding somewhere to comment on your most recent post, DRY.

I have been there very recently. It stinks. I practically made myself sick.

I hope you are well now. Looking forward to baby pix soon!

Anonymous said...

My little guys had a hard time for a while when new babies were born but now they really want one of their own. I keep trying to give one to them but alas, God's just not ready for us.

Erin said...

What a great big brother Aaron is going to be!

Good luck with your labor and delivery. I look forward to reading your birth story.

And I'm sorry about the crying. We have all been there, haven't we?

Mrs4444 said...

Oh, how precious. I'm happy for all of you. Good luck!!

Anne said...

I might start keeping up with your blog (the only one i do keep up with) if you keep putting in pictures like these!

Heidi said...

Oh, precious!