Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Difference Between Pee and Water

Even though Aaron is just about exactly the age that both Evie and David were when they were potty trained (2 yrs. 3 months) I've been planning on waiting with him a little for his language and general getting-it skills to develop a little more. But then. . .

* He had a diaper rash
* Greg was out of town with the car (Vienna for a church meeting, poor guy) and we were almost out of diapers and
* it was Sunday: all day at home with nothing else to do but follow a naked boy around the house.

He's done alright, but nothing like Ev and Dave, both of whom just started using the potty night and day as soon as I took off their diapers. Aaron's more normal, I think, and has accidents, although hes gets it right most of the time.

When he does, he stands up excitedly pointing into the potty exclaiming, "Bee! Dah-doe!" (Pee! Bravo!) and does a little shoulder dance while showing everyone his M&M before he eats it.

When he doesn't we hear this from wherever he is, "Uh-oh, ah-lo!" (Uh-oh, water!) Following the sound of his voice I find him standing and pointing at a puddle on the floor repeating, "Uh-oh, ah-lo!"

Pee in the potty = pee
Pee on the floor = water

Now you know.


Karen said...

Very good advice!

Thora said...

Ahhh, potty training. Lydia's three and a half, and we're potty training her. I'm definitely going to get the parent of the year award.

Karen Mello Burton said...

ROFL! Well, he does need to get that right eventually, but I think it is so cute that something in his cute little brain is helping him to keep his self-esteem high by not having him make the connection. It's all about the psychological stuff when they are potty training.

Annette Lyon said...

Kinda glad I'm past the era of needing this advice . . .

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee...that is one clever boy!

MelancholySmile said...

Ah, the logic of a two year old! Love it. Incidentally, I think potty training anytime before three years old is AMAZING. You rock.

Becca said...

If only that was "water" on the floor...

You go, girl. (I mean, you know, about the parenting. Not about the water.)

Erin said...

I love little kid talk. What a cutie. And yeah, we only wish it was water when it is on the floor...

Anonymous said...

Potty training has been one of the hardest parts of parenting thus far. I'm sure it gets harder but this part hasn't been fun.
Thanks for the distinction though, Lis. =]

Lara Neves said...

That is a very important distinction. Because if it's ever pee on the floor, much drama happens. (At least Sophia makes a huge deal out of it and gets really upset.)

So cute. And congrats on training him so soon! Hooray! You won't have two in diapers, and that's wonderful.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I am really, really not looking forward to potty training. I think I want to hire someone to do it for me.

Heather of the EO said...

The mess is a much better mess if it's just water. He's a genius :)

Stephanie said...

Um, good luck with that. Keep plenty of m&ms on hand for yourself. I've decided to not even try to potty train my third until she's BEGGING me to let her wear underwear; so great was the trauma with the first two.

annie valentine said...

I love this kid. He's definitely smart enough to be diaper free. I'm going to train June Bug when we get home. She tells Rex how to do it all the time.

charrette said...

You know, that is something we try to work through with our teenagers...(don't worry -- not the potty-training!) The minimizing of our mistakes and the aggrandizing of our achievements and abilities. That is fascinating that Aaron does that too. Cheers (Bravo!) for pee in the potty, yet when it winds up on the floor it is merely water....

Still, at toddler age it's completely adorable.

charrette said...

Oh, and I forgot to say that I wish all of MY church meetings were in Vienna! Wow. It's totally my dream to go there some day.

charrette said...

See? I did it right this time and my comment only landed once. Yay me!

melissabastow said...

That cracks me up.