Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Aaron Coined

Today I was feeling all domestic as I raced to wash dishes, start laundry and scrub bathrooms before I started in on my a-g-o-n-i-z-i-n-g articles (about orthopedics, this time.  Joy!).  I had just filled bags with the recycling that was building up under the sink, one for paper, one for glass and one for plastic, and set them by the door down to the garage where the recycling goes.  

As I was scrubbing away in the bathroom I heard Aaron fiddling with something at the foot of the stairs.  He is a MAJOR singer, so it was no surprise when he started belting out a new tune, but this time it was different.  He still mostly babbles in his singing, but after a few rounds I realized he was singing, "Daddy juice!  Daaaaaddyyyyy juuuuuuice!"  over and over.  I went to see what was going on and what did I find?  He was waving an empty Coke bottle in the air while singing about "Daddy's juice."  

I believe a new, and probably everlasting name for Coke has been born in the P. family.

Also, I'm still reading posts, I just don't feel like/have time to comment as much lately.  Sorry!  But I'm still keeping up with everyone.  And don't worry, tomorrow's articles are about porch swings.  That will be a bajillion times easier and more creative than those I've been killing myself over the last few days. 


Annette Lyon said...

Cute! Around here, Mtn Dew is known as the "headache drink." Fun times.

Becky said...

That's so cute! Anytime I drink a Coke, I tell Riley that it's an adult drink. And then after I say it, I realize that if I don't want him drinking it, I shouldn't be drinking it either. But I do...

Barbaloot said...

Daddy juice---love it. Sounds like something my nephews would call it, too---my brother is basically addicted:)

Have fun writing about porch swings. I always wanted one of those.

Jillybean said...

Around here, diet Dr. Pepper has sometimes been referred to as "mommy's medicine"

Lara Neves said...

Too cute!

I love how kids latch on to things like that, and I love even more how they tend to stick around the family vernacular forevermore.

Anonymous said...

We have always called anything carbonated "WOW" since my darling niece (who is now a mother) had her very first sip of soda and her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she exclaimed, "WOW!" Some things just stick...

And I'm glad to see that you're exercising blogging privileges by simply not commenting instead of ignoring us altogether. I've been worried at your absence, but the little map on my sidebar tells me you're still around, so I won't worry any longer!

Aquaspce said...

Too Cute! I love it!

Lesley said...

That's super cute! We call Cheezit "Cammie Crackers" because those are my oldest son's favorites and when Natalie was little she named them after him. The name has stuck ever since!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Mmm. I think I will go have a caffeine binge right now before Brody wakes up!

Heather of the EO said...

So...what's mommy's juice? :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

We don't buy daddy juice around here, but that doesn't mean the local daddy doesn't walk across the street to our BFFs' and come back 5 minutes later with a smile on his face and a can in his hand.

Heidi said...

When I was growing up, the Daddy Juice was Doctor Pepper. Ah, sweet memories!

Erin said...

That is SO funny. Sounds like he fits in with the family's clever sense of humor.

J. Baxter said...

I could totally do porch swings, but I'm not sure I could ever get inspired over orthopedics. I think I need to review your archives so I can figure this whole article thing's so intruguing!

(And in our house, although I keep it down to a couple a week DC would be considered Mommy's juice.)

Stephanie said...

Yep, Natalie calls Matt's Pepsi "Daddy's ca-ca." Nice.

charrette said...

Hahaha! Love the Daddy Juice. When we were growing up, the coke was called, "Grandma's medicine"! :)

That Girl said...

Pure awesomeness. I might call it "Lisa's Husband's Juice" from now on. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Daddy Juice it is....
Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

OnGod'sErrand said...

Actually, the doctor actually prescribed Coke for a friend of mine to cure morning sickness! Maybe mommy should try it too :)

Joy For Your Journey said...

Lisa--I sent you an email a few weeks ago about my nephew who served a mission in Poland but I am not sure you received it since I haven't heard back. However, yesterday I was able to visit with him and he said he did know your husband. He also said your husband was "amazing!" And "brilliant". I asked what he meant by that. I can't remember everything he said but one was that he was an awesome speaker and that you always wanted your investigators to meet him because he would make them all feel very good about themselves and the church.

Sounds like you married a great-amazing, awesome and brilliant man! :-)

Tom Draper said...

Love it.

Mrs4444 said...

Don't worry about it, seriously! It's a blog, not a job :)

In my house, it will have to be called "Mommy Juice." :)

* said...

this is too funny. Around our house, that would be water/1% milk or OJ for me. for dh it would be Rockstar (ughh).

Seeing the birth of new family humor is sweet. Referring back to it in coming weeks/months/years will be all the better. ;)

Anne said...


Heather said...

That is so funny! I just started buying soy milk for myself and Dallin calls it Mommy milk, but that is not quite so cute because it is milk, well soy milk.