Friday, May 29, 2009

The S Diet and a Medical Condition

I'm sure most, if not all, of you have been very concerned for me.  I told you I was on a lose-seven-pounds-in-two-weeks diet many weeks ago, and then never told you how it went.  I'm sure you had images of me in your mind having lost the 73 pounds (because you calculated how much it would be by now) the passing weeks would have dropped off me instead of the 7-10 lb. MAX that I wanted to lose.  Cadaverous Lisa, wasting away in her living room.  Mummy-obsessed David watching it all in wonder.  

But, no.  

I found that the S Diet works differently under different circumstances.  While home alone for two weeks with only a nursing 4 month old, The Amazing Race and Survivor marathons running all day and no one to cook for, it's easy.  In a busy home with three kids and a husband, when things like taco salad and lasagne are on the menu it's not so easy to eat very little.  

Another thing that makes the S Diet difficult to follow is when you find, two days in, that you have a Medical Condition that makes it impossible NOT to gain weight.  

So I tried following the diet for a few days and then stopped.  I haven't gained any of the anticipated weight yet, but I know it's unavoidable.  My mom even fattened up my size 4 bridesmaid's dress for me.

At least I can surely expect to drop most of the weight right around December 10th or so.  
(and don't you love the label I'm putting this post under?)


Thora said...


So, at first I was like, "a thyroid problem?" But no one loses their thyroid on a set date. One lucky thing though, is that you'll soon (in a relative term - meaning sometime next year) be able to lose all the weight you gain this year. That means for your new years resolution you should set lose X number of pounds, and it'll actually happen! (I love to crook the data for new years goals to things that would probably happen anyway).

Anyway, in all seriousness, congratulations!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey! Congratulations! Can you add a little spandex right across the middle of the dress?

Barbaloot said...

Holy cats! That's exciting.

Annette Lyon said...

Took me a minute . . . I'm slow . . .

Melanie Jacobson said...

Hahahahaha! We're calling that a medical condition now?

I don't think I've ever congratulated someone for a medical condition before, but...Congratulaitons!

Lara Neves said...

Congratulations! Yes, such "conditions" certainly make it difficult to stick to a diet, and to lose weight. Excited for you!

Kim said...

Oh that is awesome!!! Congrats lady. Yeah, I have had that medical condition 4 times now and every time I just balloon up in a specific region. Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy for you :)

Randi said...

SO FUN! I'm very excited for you. Let's hope it's not as exciting as your transatlantic adventure from before!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...


I love that our due dates are less that two weeks apart! Too cool!

So excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, I'm even slower than Annette! I had to stop there for a second and go back and reread a few of your latest posts to see if I missed something -- then I stopped and did the math ---

Congratulations, my friend. Hopefully, the bridesmaid dress can accommodate a little belly!

Heidi said...

I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't already know. I AM suffering from a thyroid condition at the moment and I am sssssllllooooowwwwwww right now. Hey, when do you leave? I have to get that stuff mailed to your sister's so that it gets there before you go home! Yikes! Oh, yes, congrats!!

Aquaspce said...

Fun story! Congratulations :)

MelancholySmile said...

I'm so glad you posted today-- if you hadn't, I'd resolved to write you a very concerned {but non-pressuring!} email. Congrats on your medical condition!! Of course, I usually refer to it as "the alien parasite that's sucking away my will to live", but I'm sure that for you, it'll be a much better experience. And hey, it's a GREAT excuse to eat more brownies!!

Anne said...

At least you have an excuse!!!! I'm gaining for no reason I can find!!!! I think I might have to wear YOUR dress!

Erin said...

Congratulations! Yes, it is quite hard to lose weight with your current medical condition. Unless, of course, you spend the first three months throwing up.

I wouldn't wish that on you.


Anonymous said...

I had to read the comments to get it. Yeah...I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed today.

Congratulations for you! A new lil' bundle is ALWAYS a reason to celebrate! Hooray!

Carolyn V. said...

Congrats!!! Woo Hoo!

melissabastow said...

And now you have an awesome opportunity to pork out. Because medical conditions are great excuses for that.


Joy For Your Journey said...

At first I was feeling so sorry for you having such a medical problem but then I re-thought it, and checked your comments to make sure I was right. Congratulations! But about losing weight.. .Size 4? Are you serious? Why would a size 4 even want to go on a diet? I could diet the rest of my life and never even reach a size four--ever.

Melissa said...

So, either your thyroid is out of whack, or I have come to the obvious conclusion (after reminding myself that I am, in fact, blonde, and that just because I dyed my hair brown does not mean that my brain will work any faster) that you must be pregnant! Congratulations! We'll all be looking forward to updates on your, um, medical condition!

Lesley said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't catch on immediately! How exciting!

Carlynn said...

Awesome! Congrats!!!

I am a bit slow as well, my first thought was thyroid as well. :) This medical condition is of course much more interesting and will take care of itself in time.

Jillybean said...

Count me in with all the other "slow" people. When you first said you had a medical conditon which will make you gain weight my first thought was "Hey, maybe I've got that! Maybe that's why I'm gaining weight!" but when I realized what "condition" you have I knew that would be impossible for me. My problem is too many cookies.

Happy gestating.

Nancy said...

You are tricky. It took me a minute to catch on. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

How funny! Love the post. Remind me again when you are coming to the states? I'm the Nana who's collecting dolls from around the world in 80 days...well, maybe not 80 days.

Brillig said...

Hahaha! Congratulations! You are so tricky. You're awesome. Hope you're feeling okay...

(And yes, I love the label!)

Stephanie said...

First of all, I am a dork.

Secondly, I probably would have figured out what I missed if I read the comments on your original post.

Thirdly, It's a good thing I saw Sue Q's comment about you on her blog, or I might not have figured it out for months.

Fourthly, (the -ly just sounded poetically necessary) Congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you.

Heather of the EO said...

How lame is it that I didn't get it at all until I read the comments!!!!

Now I'm just freaking out!!! YAY! So happy for you. This is the BEST kind of weight gain (and news) ever!


Alison Wonderland said...

Yay for you. I think. It is yay right? Or should I be offering my condolences?

Congrats to you!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Congrats! I didn't know you had Greg on board for this! Hurray and good luck!

charrette said...

Hahaha! You're awesome. That same medical condition happened to me when I was fitted for a size 4 dress for my brother-in-law's wedding. It barely fit a month later. But it all came out well in the end.

And yes, I love the "you're not a loser" tag, o mighty queen of double entendre.

Seriously, congrats.

I have a medical condition that keeps me from losing weight too. It's called messed up hormones and a thyroid problem. Not nearly as fun as yours....

Trade you!

Susan said...

Your commenting friends are so fun to read, Lis. Can't wait to see you next week!

Becky said...

Okay, before I tell you how excited I am for you and your medical condition, I must extract a vow of silence from you! My hubby is out biking and I'm checking in on some of my favorite blogs while my kids wreak havoc in our home.

So, shhh! No telling anyone else or they'll expect me to drop by their blog too! (Yeah, people like me that much...) :)

Now, onto your news. Hooray! That is exciting stuff!! Congratulations and I'm so glad you have a good excuse to go off the S diet. Yippee!