Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Secret Revealed (Not The Secret revealed)

Today I'd like to tell you about the diet I'm on.  But I'm not going to tell you it here.  Instead I'm going to tell you it here.  That link will take you over to Heidi Ashworth's blog where I'm guest posting (how nice is she!).  There you'll find out the amazing secret to losing weight quickly.  Okay, fine, I can't keep it a secret.  It's called the S Diet.  But that's all I'll tell you.  Okay, so I didn't reveal anything at all.  Go read!

Also, please know that you should probably already be reading Heidi's blog, which will be obvious if you start looking through it.  Which you should.  Which I don't know why I keep saying which.  Which I love when people start their sentences with "which" when it doesn't really fit in (seriously).  


Barbaloot said...

Which, I quite enjoyed this post and am on my way over to Heidi's.

Heidi said...

You're such a funny girl! Thanks for guest posting for me today! It has been a really fun week . .

Karen Mello Burton said...

Headed over to read your writing, though not really interested in your diet. LOL Man, I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

I loved your post over at Heidi's! I've read your comments forever but hadn't checked out your blog. I'm glad I did. It is AWESOME!

Alison Wonderland said...

I'm not sure how I've missed that label before but it's awesome!
You crack me up.

Erin said...

I'm snacking on jellybeans as I type this. Do they count on the diet?

Rachel Cotterill said...

I came here from Heidi's blog - now subscribed to yours, too :)

There was a report in the British papers today about a study which has found a 70% successful diet pill. It's a placebo. So you could try adding 'a smartie a day' to your diet in full knowledge that sugar pills are effective ;)

Becky said...

Which kind of person do you have to be to not enjoy a misplaced "which?" Geez, some people...

P.S. I hate that too.

Joy For Your Journey said...

I am enjoying Heidi's week of guest bloggists. I too have read your comments but never ventured over to your blog until today. I had no idea you were living in Poland. That totally fascinates me. How did you meet your husband? I traveled to Poland a few years ago and loved it. It was so beautiful and much more modern--best internet service we had on our trip--than I was expecting. My nephew also served his mission there.

My favorite thing about blogging is "meeting" so many people whose lives are very different from mine. I will be interested to read your blog again.

charrette said...

That post over there was so funny. Your personality just rings through.

Good luck with the S Diet. I'll just be over here continuing with the D Diet (eating double what I should).
