Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Rule

I think that anyone who mentions Cadbury Mini Eggs in a post (I've read 4 such posts to date) should be required by law to add a personal apology to me, Lisa; aka LisAway (you can choose which name you'd like to use in your apology).

This should also go for people mentioning other tasty, American Easter candies (as in candies that can only be bought in America).  

If you don't feel inclined to write out the apology, you can, alternately, send me a bag of whatever type of candy it is that you mention in your post.  I will be especially forgiving of anyone mentioning Reeses' Peanut Butter Eggs or malted milk eggs of any brand who choose to go with this option.  

Actually, you know what?  Never mind.  I think I'll go bake a pan of brownies and I'll probably be fine after that.  Maybe. 


Cajoh said...

Don't tell me that you gave up candy for lent. I usually mention savory rather than sweet in my posts— but I will keep this rule in mind if I ever mention the aforementioned treats.

Erin said...

If you come and visit me in Paris, I promise I will bring one of each of these things to give to you!

Barbaloot said...

I'm sorry. I know I was one of those thoughtless people. But I never got an apology from you about being able to eat brownies on a regular basis and still lose weight:)

That being said---if you send me your address, I may send you a care package:)

Melanie Jacobson said...

I promise never to mention the malted eggs. Because I think they're gross!

MelancholySmile said...

Did you know that assembling elaborate, pretty packages is one of my favorite things to do? You did? Well, smartypants, send me your address. I'll send you some Cadbury Mini Eggs. And maybe even some Reeses. :)

J. Baxter said...

Riiiiight. 'Cause brownies are JUST LIKE peanut butter eggs and malt balls. If I was really mean I'd ask you if you'd tried the new peanut butter whoppers, but since maybe you can't get those either, that would just be cruel and unusual.

Maybe if you swirled peanut butter and cream cheese in your brownies?

Becky said...

I don't think I've mentioned anything about Easter candy recently, but I would have no problem sending you a care package full of chocolaty malty goodness if you wanna give me your address! (And I mean it - I'm way past due doing something nice for someone else.)

Lara Neves said...

I think you definitely deserve lots of apologies. I do too, since I'm on a strict diet and even if I'm surrounded by the stuff I can't even eat it. Boo.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hey, email me your address and I'll send you somethin'. Possibly something that can only be bought in CANADA.

And I'm sorry.


Heidi said...

Kim is right since they get Cadbury there but I would be happy to send stuff she can't get there (she doesn't get everything, you know!) Seriously! Email me with your address. I'm not kidding!

Heidi said...

Because Kim is truly sorry but I am even more so. Truly.

Heather of the EO said...

I don't know if I could make it through Easter without the mini eggs, so I am very sorry. Even though I don't think I've mentioned them in my posts :)

Randi said...

I'm not in love with the mini eggs. I like peeps with a passion, though.

Having said that, I would take brownies over either one!

That Girl said...

I'd like to second this post.


*sniff, sniff*

david mcmahon said...

I vote for the brownies as well! Thanks so much for the visit and the comment.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I'd rather have your brownies over those plastic Easter candies anyday. Not a big fan of the Cadbury eggs. What's the candy business like there in Poland?

Pancake said...

Arent you coming to Cali this summer for your brothers wedding??? HEY have them buy you a NICE stash!!!

Nancy said...

I hadn't mentioned Cadbury Mini Eggs yet, I'd thought about it since I usually have a friendly reminder that they are at your (well not your) local grocery store. Do you have regular access to other Cadbury products? And I don't know about the chocolate in Poland, but if it's anything like the other chocolate in Europe, we should all be jealous of you. I spent two months in England, when I came home I couldn't eat Hershey's chocolate for months because it was so waxy and gross.

Elizabeth said...

I actually wrote about the cadburys a year ago and realized that more people like them then I originally thought! However, I could use a few items from the polish markets that I crave and can't get, who would have thought I would miss that crazy stuff they call candy?!

charrette said...

And because I am completely addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs, I'll see if I can figure out a way to send you some. (I hear the postage minimum to Poland is $45, so if anyone wants to go in on a package for Lisa...and while we're at it, That Girl From Brazil...I'd be happy to take donations and compile a big box.

Lisa, send me your mailing address...
Oh, Heidi already asked for that, didn't she...
Well SOMEHOW we'll get you a care package!