Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Old and I Have No Partner in Crime

I am planning sometime next week to respond to Erin's post about our twinnishness (which was a response to Melanie's post about our twinnishness) but for today there are just a few more overheards.

Over breakfast I said something and David stopped me and said, "MOM!  That is just what I was thinking!  Woah!"  I paused and then did the Twilight Zone theme (probably from having read Melanie's title so recently).  Both of the kids stopped chewing, looked at each other and burst out laughing.  Like almost blowing milk and peanut butter cookie crisps all over.  This continued for quite a while and then, through his laughs, David said, "Oh my gosh mom.  You are so weird!"  So I explained about The Twilight Zone.

Later in the day I went to pick up Evie and David and Evie's friend from school.  From the front door, as I was getting in the car, Greg told me that I'd have to have one of them sit in the very back and I said that I'd just have one of the girls sit in the front.  He asked, "Is that okay?  Are they old enough?" I told him I thought it was okay just for a short drive.  

He replied, "Well, I'm not going to bring you any food in jail."  I didn't hear him the first time (or didn't get what the heck he was talking about) so I asked him to repeat it. He said it again and then closed the door.  

You know how people say, "What if anything happened to you?"  And worry about your last words and how you should always say "I love you." when you are going somewhere?  I must say, I think I'd treasure Greg's kind of last words more than the hearty-heart love one's.


Stephanie said...

I love it when my 4 year old says, "Mom, don't be a freak." (He learned that from his dad saying it to him... for good reason.)

And I will send you food when you're in jail.

Heather said...

My kids think I'm weird all the time. Like when our realtor called the other day to inform us that we finally sold our house, I was doing those silent fist pumps of victory in the air and the kids thought I was so strange. I guess they had never seen me that victorious before.
Or lots of times I'll like quote movies or use slang they have never heard of and I just get blank stares and I feel old.

Lara Neves said...

Yes, I have started embarrassing my 8 year old a lot apparently. Hooray for weird moms. :)

I love Greg's last words to you that morning. Perfect. Joel would probably have said just the same thing to me had I done that. Does Poland have strict laws about car seats?

Pancake said...

I LOVE THAT last line!!!!!! It is a story, much better than the sometimes phrase instead of heart felt I love you

Heather of the EO said...

Yeah, if something happened to Ryan or I we'd have quite a story to tell about our last words.

It's so true. Nothing wrong with an "I love you," but sometimes humor says that same thing.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a neat thought! I think I'd want to remember Neil's sillness most too...

Randi said...

That's funny. Hey as long as you both know what you mean, I think it's great!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am not sure I buy the "don't go to bed angry" thing all the time either. I think a little wit goes a long way.

That Girl said...

What a guy, what a guy. Definitely a keeper. (And one of the first sentences my two-year-old learned to say was, "Mom, you SILLY!")

Heidi said...

Because the hearty-heart ones are said out of pure habit and are meaningingless, unlike Greg's words of obvious love and concern that your choice could have resulted in your incarceration. Now, that's romance!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Day 3 of the Where’s Wenda? Contest is here. Today I am visiting all of the SITStas that commented on Three Bay B Chicks. That means you! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being a great SITSta!


Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, dear. I took my friend's kids to Cub Scouts on Friday and I told her that wias fine except one would have to sit in the front seat because I have a little girl. She said that her boy Eli would be fine in front. He's the same age as James, my nine year old. When we picked them up and the two other boys saw Eli getting into the front, their eyes got all big and James muttered an awed, "Whoooaaa." It was hilarious.

The Sibert Family said...

Wait, is it illegal for a child to ride in front here in Poland? That is totally weird. Oh BTW the comment links are fixed on my blogs in case you were wondering.

J. Baxter said...

Peanut Butter Cookie Crips??!!!! They have those?? I have been so deprived in my world of "No Sugary Cereals". I may have to make an exception (and hide them from my kids).

And my hubby's last words would no doubt be equally non-traditional. Way more exciting/entertaining, if you ask me.

Alison Wonderland said...

An inside joke, a kidding comment, or something that so perfectly distills your relationship is way better than "I love you" any day.

david mcmahon said...

Came here from Kym's blog and enjoyed my first visit.

My kids give me The Look too - like when I sing mock opera to them, as I do all the time!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Kids! It's amazing how at work people listen to me and value what I say and make decisions base on my opinion, but at home I am "silly woman"& "crazy Filipino Mom", ---but somehow I think they say it with so much love. Greg's "last words" were precious because he said it with love :-)

Anonymous said...

I always say 'I love you' when either of us leave the house, even if it is sometimes said through gritted teeth.

Susan English Mason said...

My son says "love you mom, always have." People overhear him often and they say, what a wonderful thing to say! He has been doing it since he was knee-high to a grasshopper and now he is 6'4" tall and he still says it.

Mrs4444 said...

That does it; I'm adding you to my reader :) I love your sense of humor.