Wednesday, November 5, 2008


To Barack Obama*!! You have won the election for President of The United States of America!!

Okay, I'm not absolutely sure he reads my blog (I think he's a lurker), but I thought I should mention it, in case he does and hadn't heard yet.

And now you guys know, too. I'm totally up on current events. You're welcome for the information. And for my reaching across the aisle, too.

Please don't die of a heart attack at my great politicalness in this post. Or the super intelligence displayed therein. Or the reaching across the aisleness, either.

Note: It's okay if only politicians can "reach across the aisle." I'm doing it anyway.
*I linked to him, in case you're not as up on current events as I am.


Nathan said...

Thanks for the news, Lisa! I just told everyone in the house. . .


Shauna said...

Thanks for this post :)

Heidi said...

Very cute post! Short and sassy! Love it! (I like the longer ones, too!)

Melanie Jacobson said...

I'll have to turn on Fox News to find out if this is true and also what I think about it, because they're pretty good about telling me.

Becky said...

What? There's a new president!?

Okay, I have to admit, I already knew... :) Hubby and I were hunched over the computer last night watching the states turn red and blue.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee...

It should be interesting to see what the new couple years have in store for the U.S.

I feel nervous.

My big sister has a new boyfriend and I'm hoping he treats her right.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Change can be quite the healer. Both candidates are good men and I am content. Thanks!

Erin said...

How does this affect you in Poland? I think it's so interesting when Americans live outside of America. That is what makes this world a great place!

*MARY* said...

Thanks for letting everyone know. I've been refreshing your page all day to see who won the election.

Melissa said...

You are so funny. "Aisleness." That should be added to the dictionary.

Melissa said...

By the way, thanks for your comments on my cute baby. I wanted to let you know that I have added more, but per your suggestion, I did provide a warning at the beginning. I have thought about putting her into modeling (and my oldest as well) but I don't want my kids to be messed up when they grow up and I also don't want to spend my days running around the casting calls and whatever. Still, it is sad that her adorableness is confined to my family and a few choice others (of which you are one). Perhaps you could alert people to her presence on my photography blog since you have a greater readership than I. It would spread joy around the world. And maybe even cause world peace. Gosh, I should run for president!

Heather of the EO said...

Who is Barack Obama? I better go click on the link...

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Oba-who? Oh, yeah, that bro on TV running against the old dude. He won? Well, congratualtions to him! :-)

Your yaye here post is way cute!;-)

Alison Wonderland said...

So did you find about that because you live in Poland? Because they're pretty tightlipped around that stuff around here.

Sheri said...

If Obama didn't run for president, less black people would of voted, and black people are the ones who passed prop 8, they were the only group that wasn't split, 70% voted yes on 8... something to ponder. Thanks for all your comments :) The birthday party was at my mom's :)

Susan said...

very funny, missy. (That's what I always say to the girls. Tamela got me started on it.)

I really would like to know how big the news was in Poland and what people's reactions have been. I know what the pope said from the little quote lists of leaders, but I didn't see a quote from Poland's president, ahem, What's-His/Her-Name. His, I'm pretty sure. Don't let Greg read this comment. I need that little blushing face here.