Thursday, October 2, 2008

Something Funny and also Seven Ways in Which I am OCD

So I'm kind of sick of hearing about me, but I'm doing a tag. If you're sick of hearing about me, too, then watch this and skip the tag. But if you do want to read the tag, still watch this. It made my husband cry, and he doesn't do that a lot. I didn't cry, but I did laugh a lot. (Oh: Greg laughed till he cried.) I'm stealing it from our friends the Woods.

Chef Cooks 'Dream Omelet' From Recipe That Came To Him In A Dream

I've been tagged by both Heather and Pam, so I'm doing this since I like you both (if I'd been tagged by bloggers I hate, I would be much less likely to comply). It's actually supposed to be about unusual things about you, but as I made my list, I realized that many of them were at least semi OCD.

So I was thinking, "Yeah, I'm kinda quirky, I think. I'm sure there must be plenty of endearing little nuances I have." (And then I started thinking, "Is nuance the right word? Can you apply it to someone's quirks?" And then I looked it up and found that you sort of can't, I think, but decided I don't really care because it's a pretty word and I want it in my post. Much pretty than the word "quirk.") So I decided to ask my family (each individually). Number one below will be a record of their adoration of my individuality. After that, I thought it better to come up with some on my own.

1. I asked everyone, "what's something different or weird about me." After a moment's thought Evie said, "Your face!" Look what we're raising. Tsk tsk. I hope we haven't completely ruined her. David said, "That you try to make me do all the work in my books, even the stuff I'm not supposed to do yet." Greg said, "You have to tell them that you get mad at me if I eat the last brownie or cookie." (I wish I could deny this) Yes, they love me. (to his credit, though, Greg also suggested that I mention that I never get nervous around people, no matter how famous they may be, but I'm not going to mention that. Or is it too late?)

2. I can't be within 3 yards of anyone who's eating if I'm not eating as well. For some reason I can't accept the crunching and sloshing for what it is: eating noises, and all I hear are bad manners (even with people in my family who always chew with their mouths closed.) For the same reason I also can't stand to be the only one in a room eating. I have to leave the room. Like when we're watching TV and I go for a midnight bowl of cookie crisp with peanut butter, I have to eat it in the kitchen even though Greg wouldn't mind at all if I ate it right next to him on the couch.

3. I am the pickiest person on the planet about how groceries are packed. I am annoying about it, and if I try to restrain myself from commenting on someone else's technique or reorganizing things, well, I am incapable. (Not the stranger ahead of me in line, or anything, just the person I'm with.)

4. I always always always wash my hands first thing when coming home from anywhere (I think this might be fairly normal). The kids do too, of course. I also wish I could wash my hands four times during each grocery shopping trip

5. I couldn't pronounce my "r"s until third or fourth grade. In first grade my best friend's name was Rodney. He couldn't pronounce his "l"s. We called each other Wodney and Wisa. About a year ago for some reason a song that I'd learned in elementary school popped into my head. I'm pretty sure I hadn't sung it since then because I started singing out loud, "♪Abwaham Lincoln was a poow fawm boy♫, bown in the gweat midwest.♪" That was one of the strangest experiences I've had in a long time. (after years of speech therapy and thousands of recitations of "the rabbit ran around the tree," I got the pwopew pwonunciation down)

6. I sometimes look under my bed when I'm scared. Maybe everyone does this? Last night I was folding socks standing by my bed and I was pretty sure someone was going to grab my leg from under my bed, so I quickly dropped down to see who it was. We never keep anything under beds, which makes the searching for the sixth sense girl sitting under there quick and easy. By the way, she's never been there when I looked. Including last night. I've never felt disappointed about it, either.

7. Running out of ideas so... my favorite part about grocery shopping is gliding on the cart in the parking lot. It's especially good if the ground isn't flat. I get it moving really fast and then jump up and hang on the handle and just goooooooo. I sometimes do this in the store if I come to an empty aisle as well. I never see other people do this, but they must, right? I'm pretty sure everyone does this, and if they don't they should. They don't know what they're missing.

Okay, I don't really like tagging people because I hate making people feel obligated or annoyed. Instead I will tell you seven people that I think it would be interesting to read a list of quirks about. Then if they decided to write a post about them I'd be glad.

Kazzy from Kazzy's Ponderings
Liz from Jagardowie
Tyra from My World
Jess from Normalcy is not really my style (got you, Sister Whipple! You blog stalk me, I'll blog stalk you!!)
Adam from News and Nothings with the Lees
Jill from Thou shalt not whine
and I'll tag Ev, too so she'll have something to blog about at Evie's Magic World, soon to be renamed to Happily Evie After, I believe.


Heather of the EO said...

Oh, thank you for coming along on this tag trip! WOW. I so loved reading these.

Maybe it's all a dream though? I DID just make eggs...

Pancake said...

Glad you did the tag and the video!!

Thats great that you dont get nervous around people! I wish I could say the same!

And I am so with you on the hand washing thing!

Mama Cher, Ok, fine, it's Sharon said...

Funny! I just did this tag too and after I was done I kept thinking of more quirks and just about made myself crazy! Well, more crazy than usual. I guess we all are a little OCD.

Melinda said...

I laughed out loud when you mentioned folding the socks and needing to look under the bed. How funny is that? Even when logic tells us that there can't possibly be somebody under the bed just waiting to grab our ankles, we are still driven to just take one quick peek. I can so relate. I also wash my hands the minute I come in the house. Do you think it has something to do with where we live? I can't remember if I did this in America. I wish I didn't get nervous around people. The grocery cart thing is funny. My husband is almost 70 and he still does this. I love this fun side of him.

Karen E. said...

I don't ever worry about what's under the bed, but I do check closets every once in a while, and closet doors MUST be closed before I can go to sleep.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Oh, my gosh! This post made me laugh out loud! First, the video. How zany! And your 7 "nuances" --- I love that you are "nuanced". It makes you so much more interesting. You are not weird at all. My sis in law just did this tag and her #1 is the same as your #1! I love her a lot so I think I get along with you OCD people :-) #6 made me giggle because that is so Me! I need to stop watching scary movies. Okay, and #7 --- girl you and my husband should have a cart gliding race one of these days. You are kindred souls. I usually roll my eyes at him when he does this and try to pretend that I don't know him. But apparently after reading your post he is not a mutant :-) just quirky!LOL!

Becky said...

I check under the bed, too. And in the closets. And I'm afraid of the dark.

Oh, we're talking about you today! Sorry. :)

I must admit, I'm a grocery cart glider, as well. My husband is very much the superior glider, so Riley typically asks him to push. I'm okay with that, because in the middle of the night if Riley needs to use the bathroom, he asks for Adam then, too. Victory is mine!

Jess said...

Sorry, I've been meaning to confess that I'm a total blog stalker. I apologize! I absolutely love your blog, by the way. Thanks for the tag.

Anonymous said...

Wow. No wonder I like you. You're just like my husband! And don't they say opposites attract? I love it! It drives me CRAZY when he washes his hands as soon as we get home....and how he has to pack the groceries just so...but he's never had a problem eating with or without other people to support him. Neither do I, for that matter. Funny post though!

Emily said...

That omelette have been perfectly fine if he hadn't put the lemon-tomato in it. :)

I wash my hands a lot, too. I work in a restaurant where somebody is always sick. Also, I have to bus tables with dirty dishes. It's gross touching bones that people have eaten off of.

I'm going to try the cart thing. I don't care what people think of me.

Jess said...

Okay, okay. I've gone public and become a follower of your fabulous blog. Please, don't hate me because I've been blog stalking you for so very long.

Lesley said...

That was one of the silliest videos I've seen in a long time! Soooo funny!

My youngest can't say her R's either. It's cute right now, although she sometimes gets frustrated. She doesn't go to speech therapy (yet). The teachers don't seem too concerned at this point.

Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, Lisa, I will give it a try....

Heidi said...

Oh, man, that girl under the bed in the sixth sense scared me to death, for a long time. I did figure out the end by the first fourth of the movie, though, so that kind of ruined things for me. Very funny post!

Nathan said...

Wow, I am amazed that so many of your readers share your, um nuances. Maybe you are not as weird as I thought!

melissabastow said...

Obviously I don't wash my hands enough. Usually I'll just lick them and then dry them off on the butt of my jeans. That's the same thing, right? (In case there are any weak stomachers reading this comment, I'M KIDDING.)
Also, I often get scared that there is someone under my bed. But I'm usually too scared to check, because how creepy would it be to actually discover someone. YIKES. They can just sit under there and wait for my ankles to dangle in front of them because I'm not getting anywhere near that bed, and when it comes to time to actually go to bed, I'll leap. That will show them - creepy ankle grabbers.

Erin said...

Sorry I posted as Nathan again. Hope you know I was being silly. this was hilarious.

Nathan said...

"Creepy ankle grabbers": Boy, do I love that combination of words! HEE-LARIOUS. It occurs to me that if your readers' husbands ever read these posts and comments, they'd discover a great way to play a mean joke on just about all of you/them. You'd better keep a look-out for creepy ankle grabbers after all!

Don't worry, Erin, my obsessive compulsive claustrophobia will surely keep me from hiding down there.

Nancy said...

My husband does the grocery cart coasting thing every time we go grocery shopping. I'm always fairly certain he's going to crash. And of course, one of our kids is in the cart.

kitchenditcher said...

How impressed I am that you divulged some of your OCD's. That has been a post in the making for me but haven't quite gotten the courage to admit to some of them!!

Loved your post!

Katherine Bouldin said...

My comment has nothing to do with this post, although it was very fun to read (and I, too, share the hand washing thing ... I always HAVE to wash them when I get in the door from the grocery store and then again after I put all the groceries away).

I see that you finally got a hit in South America! If only penguins could read then you could make it to Antarctica and have readers on all seven continents!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

This was great. I chuckled over #2 because I remember that one very well. :)

I am MANIC about your #4 too. I'm actually a little afraid that I am going to make Taj OCD with just how manic I am about it. He's started asking me why he has to wash his hands so much. And sometimes, I don't have a good reason. :) He's very knowledgeable about germs. :)

As for your #6, I don't do that, but I ALWAYS check to see if someone is in the backseat of my car when I get in at night--jump in and throw my arm back to feel the floor AND seat real quick, before "they" know what I'm doing. Preferably before I close the door. ALWAYS.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Okay, I am so bugged that my blog reader hasn't been feeding me your new posts! Here I thought you just weren't blogging and it turns out I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT. !! And I totally glide on the shopping cars. It embarrasses my son. So I do it more.

Alison Wonderland said...

And I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one whose reader has been misbehaving!

I do that on the shopping cart and on anything else that has wheels.