Friday, October 10, 2008


The purpose of this post is to shock Anne (I said I might post these and. . . I AM!) and make it so Gramma Lee can finally see some video (she works at BYU where you can't view things from you tube (!?!).

Proof that Aaron does the things I accuse him of in the previous post:

Exhibit A: Playing with Plastic Bag
(but first getting an sms-I believe you Americans call them text messages-because editor daddy* couldn't leave it out. And please pretend that you can't hear me calling him "hona" instead of honey in the flusteredness of trying to balance the camera AND throw the bag farther away at the same time. Add speaking into the mix, and it's apparently too much for me.)

Exhibit B: Bouncing a Ball in His Hands
(but first answering my question "Is it yummy?" about the kielbasa he's eating. That "nah" and ardent head shaking means he looooooves it, of course. Apparently it still hasn't stopped being opposite day)
It seems the editor thought this one was a little too quite, so he's added music. And he's the boss. Watch Aaron's eyes. He only looks at the ball the one time he lets it drop on purpose.

Exhibit C: Dying a Western Movie Death
WARNING: While this video contains no gore, it still may be too much for the sensitive viewer.

* Those who have ever commented on the quality of the pictures posted, like those on Evie's birthday post, should know that I do not take pictures. Greg is the photog in our family. Not I. And he does all the video editing as well.

*Before I posted this I watched these videos with Aaron over and over. He kept laughing. His favorite part was after he dies that one time and I ask him if he's okay in that annoying voice. He finds it hilarious. I don't really get why.

Oh, and speaking of texting, I have to share this. It's another one I saw on JustRandi's blog Is it Just Me?


Karen Mello Burton said...

I love the arched back and the moaning. LOL Also, I am a basketball nut and find Aaron's ball handling skills very promising! SO fun to see your place and your little guy in action.

PS Stop apologizing for your voice! No one likes his/her voice recorded. Remember Pres. Uchtdorf's story about too much ginger?.....

Erin said...

Lizzy is sitting on my lap saying "again, again" to watch the videos so I can hardly get in a comment. All of those videos were so cute. I love to see him playing with the plastic bag like it is the best toy ever. I made a whole bunch of scarves and my kids love throwing them up like that because they come down slow and they can actually catch them. Because they can't really catch a ball like Aaron can. ....

Pancake said...

He is DARLING!!!!!!! The videos are great! Why were you so worried? They are awesome!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm too busy taking in the cuteness to think of anything else!

LisAway said...

Okay, I edited out the apologies in the opening paragraph.

I so sorry that I always apologize for everything. Can you guys forgive me?

Melanie Jacobson said...

So, I would have thought "hona" was just the Polish version of honey, but now you're busted.

Love the death spiral, kid. Get him his Oscar!

gramalee said...

Grief! I almost cried! He is so cute and so OLD! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU xoxoxoxo

Susan said...

Oh THANK YOU for the videos! I love them all! I can't believe how he just watches the bag float down over and over. Or how he handles that ball! And the fake deaths are awesome. I can TOTALLY imagine David teaching it to him. If you asked me if I liked this post I guess I'd say "Nah" and shake my head no back and forth and back and forth!

J. Baxter said...

I just love the leg thing in the death scenes. Especially the one where he lifts one leg, and then - just before he dies - lifts the other.

My two year old loved it too:)

melissabastow said...

He's a CUTEY!!! It's impressive he can bounce a ball in his hands all day. Monkey is 20 months old and can chuck stuff like nobody's business, but catching it, no way. I'm also TOTALLY impressed that you have stacks of undisturbed DVD's sitting on your tv stand (is that what that was? Because I want to be accurate here.) Because if we have stacks of ANYTHING within Monkey's reach, they are unstacked in a matter of seconds.

Oh, and your "annoying voice" is not funny. It's not even annoying. It's like regular mom of a faking death toddler voice.

Lesley said...

What great videos! I love the bouncing ball. I wonder if he'll grow up with mean motor skills or if it's just a passing phase. I'm glad you got it on video to remember the days he walked around the house tossing a ball! Oh and when you find out what idk means, let me know would ya? LOL

Randi said...

What a cutie!!
Oh, and thanks for the link love!

Olivia Petty said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha I like laughing.

Anne said...

Okay, that falling down dea thing looked more like settling in for a nice nap! Those vieos are just how I pictured him (minus the tucked in shirt, so Polish!) and a totally different face!!!!! He's changed so much!

Heather of the EO said...

He is ridiculously adorable! What a fun kid! Love it!

The Sibert Family said...

That is so funny. I know that I always have a camera close by in case Carsyn does anything that is funny. The cool thing is that now that she is getting older, she does even funnier things.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Awww---he is so cute!!!! I'm glad you posted these videos. I've really enjoyed reading about your family, and it's so fun and amazing to see your kids on video. And hear your voice, too! It makes you come alive to me, instead of just these words on my computer screen. Does that make sense? It's kind of late at night for me so forgive :-)

And by the way you may have a future NBA star there seeing how he handles that ball.

Nathan said...

He looks so tall! I agree with the ball handling comment. Keep cultivating that skill!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

So hilarious! And what amazing ball handling skills--get that kid into basketball! And thanks for reminding me to take more video of lil Brod

Alison Wonderland said...

I love the one leg up in the air. So realistic.