Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sixty degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature entirely too low for the interior of a family home. The only reason I can think of that a home might remain at that temperature for an entire week would be in anticipation of an upcoming heat wave that would surely have the resident family grateful for a pre-frozen house.

If, however, no such wave of heat should make it's appearance, the inhabitants of that house may possibly decide that, while it was fun for a while*, those ice tipped noses and toes and stiff fingers and lips are ready for a bit of a thaw.

The heater comes on after church on Sunday, and the movement of our extremities (assuming there's been no permanent damage), with it.

Current outside temperature: 46 degrees (at 3pm). What's your weather doing to you?
*Or they may possibly have hated every single second of it.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Lisa, sorry to rub it in, but here in Springville, Utah we are now beginning Fall and yesterday it was 87 degrees. Frankly, I am getting tired of the heat and am ready for some nice brisk weather. No frozen limbs though, please! Bundle up and remember, blogging keeps those fingers nice and warm.

Nancy said...

It got cold in Kansas, then it got warm again. My in-laws keep their house freezing cold in the winter and the summer because my mom-in-law likes it that way. The thermostat is set to 64 or something. So even in the summer we have pack sweatshirts and warm clothes and slippers. It's freezingly uncomfortable.

Erin said...

I always hold out each season with turning on the furnace or AC. It was very cold last week and I am glad I held out because it is gorgeous this week. I wish Fall would last forever.

Pancake said...

BURRRRRR-I hope that the furnace comes on sooner or the outside warms up!!! Do you have a fireplace?

Melanie Jacobson said...

The heater in our condo has been broken for five years but since we live beachside, it's temperate enough that as long as you grab a light blanket for TV watching and put the baby in front of the fireplace, we've pretty much gotten away with it. I think I'd take a little bit cold to a lot hot, though.

melissabastow said...

This morning I woke up to the loudest and longest -seriously most dramatic- clap of thunder I have ever heard in my life. Or possibly it just seemed louder and longer because things are usually more dramatic when I get woken up by them and I'm still in that groggy, 'am I still dreaming' state. Other than that...still warm here. Sorry. Although I woudln't mind it to cool off a little - I'm a big fan of hoodies. But I'm glad I don't have frozen limbs. I hope there is no permanent damage.

Anonymous said...

It's sunny and 75 here in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, tomorrow is supposed to be 80. If it's any comfort, I hate it. Autumn is my favorite season and it never lasts long. Have you heard of our 4 seasons here in Minnesota? Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter & Road Construction? Yeah. So this is a weird last ditch effort of summer, because next week we'll be back to 60 degrees. Ahh, Jeans and Sweater weather, my favorite.

I have to tell you that every time I visit your page I laugh out loud reading about y'all stuffing a couch in your tent. Thank you for that.

Blessings, Whitney

Becky said...

39 degrees where I am. Of course, it's only nine in the morning. Last fall, our furnace needed a little tweaking before it wanted to cooperate. Our house was about 63 degrees for a few days and I was NOT a happy woman. I hope Sunday comes fast for you! :)

Carlynn said...

We are having the usual Utah weather. Swamp cooler running in the day....heater on at night!

Hope your heater gets up and running ASAP! Burrr....

Susan said...

Well, if you lived in Maryland you would've had mid 70's all week. It has actually been THE most comfortable temperature we've had for a long time. We often go from a little A/C to a little heater from one day to the next in the fall, but this week has been a windows open around the clock perfect weather week. But thanks for the reminder, I'm calling for our furnace tune-up this week!

J. Baxter said...

Not sure why your house is so cold, but our only source of heat is a wood stove. That means that on days like today - when it's cold all day until 3pm, you're forced to either freeze all morning, or build a fire and sweat it out later.

Very irritating.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I almost feel guilty for saying We've been enjoying nice weather lately. September brings cooler temperature to the foothills in Northern California where we live. But in a month or 2 the rains will come then we will be in the 60's. But then you probably are not exactly sorry for me, are you? :-) Hmmm, I think living in a pre-frozen home is a fun adventure.

Alison Wonderland said...

Oo I hate to be too cold!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We're having a wee taste of summer again. Freezing cold nights and oppressively hot days. And us living in a house with two stories of windows heating the place up like a greenhouse.

I yearn for the cold. For turning up the fire and snuggling in warm sweaters and wool socks.

Stripping down nekkid just never seems to be an option. =P So I'll take cold over hot any day.

Lesley said...

60 degrees inside? No way! I'm always cold, and I get very grumpy when I get really cold, so that wouldn't work! We are getting the fall nip in the air in the evenings and mornings, but it warms up nicely during the day still. Very pretty.

Emily said...

Ha ha - you crack me up. Are you kidding me? Is is that cold?!
Holy moly.

We have the air conditioning on here.

charrette said...

The weather here? Is perfect.

So if weather does things to me, I hope it will make me perfect too. :)