Thursday, September 11, 2008


I like McDonald's hamburgers. More specifically their cheeseburgers (hold the disgusting, re-hydrated minced onion and the pickle). I understand that this makes me a lesser human in the eyes of many. That's okay. I also really love the Big Tasty.

I already mentioned/discussed this one a little in the comments on the poppyseed cake post, but
I don't like Nutella.It's true. I don't buy it and eat it and search for recipes containing it and dream about it. I think it's kind of yucky. I realize that admitting this confirms for many of you what you already suspected, i.e. that I am, indeed, a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

This one is backwards, because I am following a trend, rather than going against it, it's just that I feel almost embarrassed to admit it. I really like David Beckham. I don't get enamored by celebrities. At all. Still, I think David Beckham is awesomeness personified when it comes to someone incredibly: talented, rich, famous, handsome etc. because he's so humble and down to earth. I mean, he still blushes during interviews when people mention his looks or pay him compliments. This is a mega-super star who's been in the spotlight for years!

I wish I had a Milli Vanilli CD.

And I understand if you don't feel you can read my blog anymore. (If you can't, at least say good bye in the comments for purposes of closure. I will miss you, but at least I won't have gone on deceiving you).


Melissa said...

You are hilarious! Milli Vanilli? O.K. I'm not sure we can be friends any more. But I will check back to see if there are any more confessions that would push me over the top.

Erin said...

When I was in 6th grade, my bus driver listened to Milli Vanilli every day. I can even picture what bus stop we just pulled up to when Blame it on the Rain came on. I guess my bus driver's taste could have been worse, but it was a little much to listen to the same tape every morning for a year.

I'll keep reading your blog despite the memories of the most awkward year of my life that that song immediately conjures up when I hear it....

Pancake said...

you are SO FUNNY!!! MILLI VANILLI! Were those the lip syncing guys??? They were rather cute though!!!

Dont worry, I will keep reading!

Heather of the EO said...

Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah...
That's Milli Vanilli right? Oh how I loved them! So heart-breaking when the truth came out! :)

Um, I eat big macs. True story.

Jillybean said...

Now that was a blast from the past! We always referred to Milli Vanilli as "Phony Baloney".
The song reminded me of the Friday night LDS dances that I would go to with my friends. You know, the ones held in a Stake center, where it was always so dark in there that you couldn't see what anyone looked like, and the music was so loud that you couldn't hear what anyone was saying...............

I also like McDonalds cheesburgers also. I had intense cravings for them when I was pregnant with our oldest son. (strangely enough, now he won't touch a fast food hamburger)

TheOneTrueSue said...

I LOVE McD cheeseburgers. YUM. (Except I like the disgusting re-hydrated minced onion AND the pickle too.) And I totally LOVED Milli Vanilli. I thought they should just get the people who actually sang to be in a group. Who cares about the frontmen.

Becky said...

Not only do I still want to be friends, but I think I like you even more!! Sadly, I can no longer eat at McDonald's because I'm pretty sure my husband would leave me. And don't worry about not liking Nutella. No one is perfect. :)

Susan said...

I never did get the whole thing about Milli Vanilli. I mean, so what if they lip synced? there were still real people singing, just give them some credit. I hate that looks/video is so important, can we just say "video killed the radio star" (wish I could write some little notes so you know that's from a song...

McDonalds? I mostly like the cookies. I think you mostly like it because that's the main American chain you've got there.

As for you not liking Nutella, that's great for me, at least whenever we're together and there's something nutella-y and I get yours!

As for David Beckham, I don't know him, but looking at that website makes it hard for me to believe that he's actually blushing during interviews. I mean, I was blushing when I clicked on the link in wikipedia from his entry to his wife's :) I mean, my bosoms just don't DO that. I think she's probably past blushing anyway, even if he's not :) I'll have to keep an ear out about him. I actually bought Bend it like Beckham because it looked like a good show to help motivate Tyra in her soccer (and it was like $4), but we haven't even watched it yet. I'm now assuming it's referring to David...

Carol said...

Milli Vanilli? Best fake music EVER.

Oh and I have had a killer crush on David Beckham for like 12 years. I kid not!

And now I need a McD's Cheeseburger, badly. Thanks!

melissabastow said...

I like McDonald's fries over any fries on the planet. I don't know why. Perhaps it's the combination of 90% preservative and 10% potato. Mmmmmm, they're good.

And I'm with you on the onion and pickle thing - where do they find those things? They can't honestly be from real vegetables.

Karen E. said...

I only eat McDonalds hamburgers when I'm out of the country. They seem familiar when I'm away from home, but when I'm home I wouldn't touch them. McDonalds breakfast on the other hand . . . that's my guilty pleasure.

Nancy said...

When I was in Spain for three days, I think we ate at McDonald's for just about every meal. We spoke horrible Spanish, didn't know what to eat and were a little scared of what we might eat without knowing it. I ate at a lot of McDonald's in Europe. I eat it in the States too, but not weekly or even monthly.

I hate Nutella... well, the idea of it. I don't think I've ever actually had it.

I have a Milli Vanilli tape somewhere... I even made a new cover for it that said, "Whoever really sang for Milli Vanilli" because I loved the songs and was going to keep listening even after all the scandal.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I actually don't hate McD's burgers either, except I am a "heavy-on-the-pickles" kind of girl. Thank you for your brutal honesty! LOL

Brillig said...

The first thing that happened when I clicked on your blog was the Milli Vanilli music that started playing. I instantly thought, "Oh my gosh, I now love her even MORE." So, yeah. I will TOTALLY keep reading. :-D

And here's a hearty A-FREAKING-MEN to your thoughts on David Beckham!!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

No worries, despite being and ardent Nutella fan I still respect ya!

I confess though, I don't eat it on bread or in recipes. I take it straight. With fruit.

I'm going to go drool for awhile now...

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You're funny but I love that you are real! Blog breaks are good for me. It made me realize which blogs I missed stalking. Your blog still rocks even though you like McDonald's. I'm an In-and-Out burger girl but that's only in the Western U.S. and not franchised across the globe like Mickey D. I'm not sure about Milli Vanilli, but I like their hair if that counts :-) Beckham is a stud, but why can't his wife smile ever?

Heather of the EO said...

Yes, feel free to read the other blog (and comment of course) I'm flattered that you would want to! :)

Fold My Laundry Please said...

If you're interested, my best friend from high school might be willing to give you her Milli Vanilli poster as long as you're willing to travel back in time to 1990!

Lesley said...

Shocking indeed! I'm glad you've come clean though! I can forgive you everything but the Milli Vanilli--sorry! LOL

charrette said...

This whole posts just cracks me up.

I have a post idea still in the germinating stages that is along these lines...but has nothing to do with Mickey D's or Nutella. I'll let you know when it surfaces...

Don't worry, I'll keep reading. Who doesn't LOVE a little self-effacing honesty? :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, I feared we might be too opposite to be friends. Love rehydrated McD onions and nutella. Might even like them together...


But then our differences were bridged by Milli Vanilli (uh, hello? Owned that CD) and David Beckham, so all is good. I'll be back.

Anne said...

Milli Vanilli! They were HOT!

K and/or K said...

I saw Milli Vanilli live! My first concert ever. I was 11 and loved every minute of those phonies!! Blame it on the rain makes me crave the synthetic clap--let's bring that terrific sound back into today's music...its long overdue.

Barbaloot said...

Too funny! I love that you did this, too. I swear I didn't copy you:)

But also, I love McDonald's cheeseburgers, too! What's with that? There is no way they should taste good. But they do!